
~ potpourri of Web resources and
links ~
Gleanings: Objects or ideas that have been
gathered or amassed over a period of time,
especially when they form a collection or comprehensive whole.
Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library
© 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Following are discoveries I've gleaned during reference searches on
the Internet. Enjoy!
2006 Archives:
December 25, 2006
- Christmas
Carols: The lyrics of carols, and origins of the most popular
Christmas carols are included on this site. Together with additional non
carols sections dedicated to Christmas songs with music like the ever
popular "White Christmas" song and traditional Christmas poems including "Twas
the night before Christmas" by Clement Clarke Moore.
- The
University Channel: where academics can air their lectures, ideas and
present research in a full-length, uncut format. Contributors with greater
video production capabilities can submit original productions. The
University Channel's video content can be broad and flexible enough to
cover the full gamut of academic investigation.
- Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow: a figure of national prominence by the 1850s,
and a much-beloved professor at Harvard. The site is divided into seven
primary sections which include an extended biographical essay about his
life and work, information about his family and his homes in Portland and
Cambridge. Includes a generous selection of his poems; visitors can view a
sortable list of his works, which can be arranged by poem title, first
line, and publication date.
December 22, 2006
December 18, 2006
PlanetChristmas!: learn from others how to create great Christmas
displays for you and your community. A community of decorating enthusiasts
with a deep rooted passion for celebrating the Christmas season and we do
it through our displays.
- The Council on
Foreign Relations: an independent, national membership organization
and a nonpartisan center for scholars dedicated to producing and
disseminating ideas so that individual and corporate members, as well as
policymakers, journalists, students, and interested citizens in the United
States and other countries, can better understand the world and the
foreign policy choices facing the United States and other governments.
- The
Jewish Virtual Library: the most comprehensive online Jewish
encyclopedia in the world, covering everything from anti-Semitism to
Zionism. So far, more than 10,000 articles and 5,000 photographs and maps
have been integrated into the site. The Library has 13 wings: History,
Women, The Holocaust, Travel, Israel & The States, Maps, Politics,
Biography, Israel, Religion, Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress,
Vital Statistics and Reference.
December 15, 2006
Google Patent Search
provides access to the U.S. patent database from the United States Patent
and Trademark Office (USPTO). Patents issued in the United States are
public domain government information, and images of the entire database of
U.S. patents are readily available online via the USPTO website.
Illuminations: Math Lessons (National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics) presents a series of grade specific lessons on various topics
of mathematics. There are 524 lesson plans to 'support teachers in ensuring
mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students.' Illuminations
provides 'standards-based resources that improve the teaching and learning
of mathematics for all students.'
- Introduction to
Microbiology (Leicester University): the tutorials include
visually-stimulating (and well-formatted) reviews of prokaryote diversity,
virology, and microbiology laboratory procedures. Visitors can move along
to the "Online Tutorials" area. Here they will find links to
demonstrations of pathogens in action, virus replication, and malaria. The
site is rounded out by the "LabWork" section, which includes a number of
demonstration experiments that students (or instructors) can use in the
- The Electronic Journal
of Sociology: "the world’s first and longest running electronic
journal of sociology."
- The History
of the Supreme Court (funded by New York Life Insurance Company):
created to complement a PBS television series on the history of the
Supreme Court. The site's materials were written by educators from across
the country, and they present the institution's history thematically,
thereby making it easier to use in the classroom.
- EconoMechanix - Auto & Truck Repair
& Advice: Provides both the average person and future auto mechanics
with information about car and truck repair. Visitors can begin their
journey by looking into areas titled "How Your Car Works". After that,
they can look over an alphabetical list that includes sage advice on
everything from alternators to water pump repair.
December 14, 2006
A Homemade Christmas (FamilyFun.com): Includes homemade Christmas
holiday cookies, gingerbread, gifts, ornaments, parties, traditions &
- FamilyFun: Fun stuff for
Kids, Parents. Includes arts & crafts, parties, recipes, games, travel,
- Hobson’s CollegeView: Lets
you research over 3000 colleges to find the perfect fit. There’s even a
help course for pointers on preparing those dreaded admission essays. You
can search for scholarships, download the admissions applications and in
general find all pertinent information without having to individually
correspond with every institution in which you might be interested. This
site is not just for high schoolers; it also has career counseling for
those of us who do not know what we want to be when we grow up.
December 13, 2006
December 11, 2006
- Daily
Mass readings as downloadable podcasts from the U.S. Bishops’ Catholic
Communication Campaign (CCC).
Touchstone Driver Agent: Free access to 100,307 driver updates. Scan
Technology is 100% Guaranteed Adware Free, Spyware Free, and Virus Free.
- The
Oxford Book of American Essays. Many a literary theorist and critic
have wondered: "What is American literature?" Late in the 19th century,
one Brander Matthews was called upon to do just that-create an edited
volume for the Oxford Press that would represent a variety of essays from
different Americans of the time. All told, this volume published in 1914
contained 32 essays, including "John Bull" by Washington Irving, "Buds and
Bird-Voices" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and "Dante by the Bowery" by Theodore
Roosevelt. Other selections include inquisitive essays by Edgar Allen Poe,
Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Walt Whitman.
U.S. Census Bureau: Facts for Features & Special Editions. Facts for
Features and Special Editions consist of collections of statistics from
the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas intended to
commemorate anniversaries or observances or to provide background
information for topics in the news.
- AMSER (the
Applied Math and Science Education Repository) is a portal of
educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in
Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use. AMSER is
funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of the National
Science Digital Library.
Snowflakes and
Snow Crystals: Prof. Kenneth Libbrecht at Caltech University documents
the very wide, and very interesting world, of crystal growth and pattern
formation in ice, of snowflakes, snow crystals, and other ice phenomena.
Writing Guidelines for
Engineering and Science Students: designed to help engineering and
science students communicate their technical work. To that end, these
guidelines contain advice, models, and exercises for common writing and
speaking assignments in engineering and science.
Virtual Labs
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Biointeractive website educates
users about science and technology. Currently, the site contains five full
virtual labs, and they include those that allow students to learn how to
identify various bacteria and another one that casts participants as a
young intern who is learning how to identify heritable diseases of the
Harvard Public Health Review
(Harvard University School of Public Health) addresses such topics as
alcohol use among college students and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
in the developing world.
December 1, 2006
- Christmas Recipes: cakes, cookies,
candy, decorations, crafts, and more.
Ask.com |
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is now available on
the Internet in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and
Romanian. The Compendium includes 589 questions and answers on the
Catholic faith.
Pontifical Council
for Justice and Peace: The Vatican launched a Web page dedicated to
information about, and formation in, justice and peace. It will publish
information in Spanish, Italian, English and French on ecclesial
documents, congresses, statements of representatives of the Church.
The STOQ Project -- for
science, theology and the ontological quest -- is directed by the
Pontifical Council for Culture. Supportedby the Templeton Foundation, the
initiative is being carried out by the Lateran University, the Gregorian
University and the Regina Apostolorum university to promote dialogue
between faith and science.
Funny-Friendship.com: e-cards for Anniversary, Arts, At Work,
Birthday, Cute Cards, Events & Holidays, Inspirational, Everyday Cards,
Family, Flowers, Friendship Food And Drink, Gifts, Invitations, Kids,
Love, Music, Pets , Specials, Sports, Stay In Touch, Teens, Toys, Travel,
The Maven’s Word of the Day Archive (Random House)
Telephone Tax Refund - Internal Revenue Service: 2006 Federal Income
Tax Return
Service-learning offers a unique opportunity for America’s young
people–from kindergartners to university students–to get involved in a
tangible way by integrating community service projects with classroom
learning. Students not only learn about democracy and citizenship, they
become actively contributing citizens and community members through the
service they perform.
- The
National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (NSLC): supporting the
service-learning efforts of schools, higher education institutions,
communities, and tribal nations. Offers timely information and relevant
resources, thousands of free online resources, the nation's largest
library of service-learning materials, national service-learning listservs,
and reference and technical assistance services.
Computer Tutorials and Courses - Learnthat.com
- Learnthat.com™:
free online courses and free tutorials in Business, Certification,
Computers, Finance, House, Internet and Lifestyle topics.
- Genetic Science Learning
Center: Our mission is to help people understand how genetics affects
their lives and society.
World Wide School: The best place on the Internet to learn just about
Center For Christian-Jewish Learning (Boston College) is devoted to
the multifaceted development and implementation of new relationships
between Christians and Jews that are based not merely on toleration but on
full respect and mutual enrichment.
- The Emergency
Email Network & Wireless Network: "Provide notification to citizens of
local, regional, national and international emergencies utilizing the
Internet and electronic mail (email) in a secure and expedient manner."
- Business Reference Services
(LOC): All major business subjects are covered, including industry
information, commerce, statistics, banking, insurance, economics, finance,
investment, marketing, and more.
- Brooklyn Public
Library’s Business Library: "one of the nation’s premier public
libraries dedicated exclusively to business, finance and
entrepreneurship.…gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to strengthen
their business knowledge, learn about business trends and gain insights
about starting or growing a business as they are introduced to using the
resources at BPL’s Business Library."
- My Wonderful
World (National Geographic Education Foundation): Geography is more
than places on a map. It's global connections and incredible creatures.
It's people and cultures, economics and politics. And it's essential to
understanding our interconnected world." There are sections for Parents,
Educators, Kids & Teens.
- Intute
- Interactive Chemistry Tutorials: includes both unique problems and
solution information for a wide range of subjects, including gas laws,
kinetics, electrochemistry, and solubility. While the site doesn’t contain
a search engine, users can scroll through each subject to look at the
available resources and problem sets.
- CareerJournal.com (Wall Street
Journal): helping upwardly mobile individuals learn about new jobs and
how to obtain such positions. In the "What’s New" section, visitors can
learn about job-counseling resources, the challenges of dealing with
disabilities in the workplace, and how new employees can learn the
unwritten rules that dominate many a workplace. In the "How Can We Help
You?" area, visitors can maneuver through a number of drop-down menus to
get hints on preparing for an interview, writing a resume, and even
learning how to prepare for business school.
November 21, 2006
CriminalCheck.com is the only free National Sex Offender
database site on the web that searches all states (and the District of
Columbia) with one-click. Search by Name or by Zip Code.
- The
Country Studies Series (Library of Congress - LOC): description and
analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political,
and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the
November 17, 2006
initiative began developing and testing a collection of biology education
materials to place into an online archive. Educators can browse around the
materials, which are organized by disciplines such as botany, ecology,
genetics, and molecular biology.
Animated Periodic Table of the Elements: A highly animated version of
the periodic table of the elements. Visitors can browse through the alkali
metals, the alkaline earth metals, and both the lanthanide and actinide
series. As users move their mouse across the table they can learn each
element’s boiling point, its oxidation states, its atomic weight, and its
density. One of the other nice features of the site is that visitors can
also look at each element’s bonding structure.
- PureVideo
Search: Internet's first meta search engine for video. Also provides
access to more than 35 popularity charts for over 30 different video
providers (YouTube, CNN, ESPN, BusinessWeek, etc.) presenting the most
popular music, sports, comedy, celebrity, viral, entertainment, and news
November 16, 2006
Google News Archive Search
offers full-text content from The New York Times, Wall Street Journal,
Washington Post, and third-party sources such as LexisNexis, HighBeam and
Thomson Gale. If Google detects that your regular web search query would
retrieve archived articles, it sometimes even includes those in the search
results page. You can search the
News Archive, or by
clicking the "News archive search" at the top of the
Google News page.
- The
Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse: a collection of documents and
information about civil rights cases in selected case categories across
the United States. Currently, the categories include: Child Welfare,
Election/Voting Rights, Immigration, Jail Conditions, Juvenile
Institution, Mental Health Facility, Mental Retardation Facility, Nursing
Home Conditions, Police Non-Profiling, Police Profiling, Prison
Conditions, Public Housing, School Desegregation.
November 15, 2006
November 13, 2006
- Archdiocese
for the Military Services, USA (or Military Ordinariate) is
commissioned to provide the Catholic Church's full range of pastoral and
spiritual services for those dedicated to national defense and to federal
services overseas. It serves military personnel and families at 220
installations in 29 countries, patients in 172 Veterans Administration
hospitals and is responsible for federal employees serving in 134
- Catholics in the Military
- CatholicMil.com | Resources
for Catholics in the Military. Offers books, videos and other
resources of special interest to those who serve in the military. These
items reflect or support the true military vocation, or speak of the
Catholic Faith in terms best understood by those in service.
November 10, 2006
November 7, 2006
Workplace Bullying
Institute: A U.S. Encyclopedia of Information on Workplace Bullying.
America–Digital Collection: "This digital edition of the important and
out-of-print Biologia Centrali-Americana makes all 58 biolological volumes
available. Descriptions of over 50,000 and images of over 18,000, species
of animals and plants. An extraordinary new set of electronic resources
and knowledge tools for biodiversity studies — the Biologia Centrali-Americana
November 6, 2006
- Marine
Toys for Tots Foundation: The mission of Marine Toys for Tots
Foundation is to raise funds to provide toys to supplement the collections
of local Toys for Tots coordinators; defray the costs of conducting annual
Toys for Tots campaigns; provide administrative, advisory, financial,
logistic and promotional support of local coordinators; provide other
support that the Marine Corps, as a federal agency, cannot provide; and
conduct public education and information programs, which call the general
public to action in support of Toys for Tots.
Learning Network -
Grades 3-12 (NY Times): Connections for Students, Teachers and
Catholic News Service: a news agency specializing in reporting on the
Church and other religious news, is the primary source of national and
world news that appears in the U.S. Catholic press and in other media in
more than 60 countries throughout the world. It is part of the
Communication Department of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops (USCCB).
CNS Stylebook on
Religion–Third Edition: the
ultimate reference work on all kinds of church terms, find quick and
easy definitions for such church terms as apostasy, eparchy and
theophany? Journalists and nonjournalists will benefit from the CNS
stylebook's entries on other religions—from the Anglican Communion to
Islam to Orthodox churches—and their relations with the Catholic Church.
That's why we've always called it a stylebook on religion, not just a
stylebook on Catholicism.
November 3, 2006
HUD Rehab Guide:
Developed as part of the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
(PATH) mandate to inform the design and construction industry about
state-of-the-art materials and innovative practices in housing
rehabilitation. The series focuses on building technologies, materials,
components, and techniques rather than projects such as adding a new room.
The nine volumes cover a distinct element of housing rehabilitation and
feature breakthrough materials, labor-saving tools, and cost-cutting
practices--Vol. 1:
Foundations, Vol. 2:
Exterior Walls, Vol. 3:
Roofs, Vol. 4:
Windows and Doors,
Vol. 5: Partitions,
Ceiling, Floors, and Stairs, Vol. 6:
Kitchens and Baths,
Vol. 7:
Electrical/Electronics, Vol. 8:
HVAC/Plumbing, Vol. 9:
Site Work.
- FunBrain.com
Kids Center - Numbers: School is in full swing and with it those math
classes. Funbrain.com has a, what else, fun site to help with the Numbers,
from basic arithmetic to fractions, graphs and algebra. All games have
varying degrees of difficulty beginning with Easy on through Super Brain
so you can pick the level at which to start your child (yourself, even if
you do not want to admit that fact).
Online Journal of School Mathematics: offers high-quality,
peer-reviewed articles on teaching mathematical concepts and principles to
a wide range of students and their varying skill levels.
& Health Network (National Recreation and Park Association):
Practicing recreation therapists and others will appreciate the resources
provided within the virtual pages of the Sports & Health Network online
newsletter. Created by the National Recreation and Park Association, the
various issues contain updates about how to apply for free (or low-cost)
recreation equipment and also offer suggestions for new and innovative
outdoor programs.
November 2, 2006
PBS NATURE - video
archives: Search by keyword or by program title. And keep checking
back, as video will be continually added to this section.
is an online resource for higher education administrators, students,
parents, and other professionals who are seeking information about
creating healthier and safer living and learning environments for college
and university students, both on campus and in the surrounding community.
Congregation for the
Clergy - Vatican
Library: Catechesis for special groups, Social Communications,
Liturgy, Magisterium of the Sovereign Pontiffs, Homilies, Church
Fathers, Sacred Writing, Spirituality, Pastoral of the Young, General
Teleconferences: Christology, Ecclesiology, Sacramental Theology,
Moral Theology, Bioethics, and more.
- The Internet
Classics Archive: Bringing the wisdom of the classics to the Internet
since 1994.
October 30, 2006
- Color
Theory Tutorial: Color theory has been worked on by a number of
individuals over the years, and those with an interest in the field
include artists, scientists, and of course, interior designers. Visitors
can learn about the basics of color, complementary colors, and concepts
such as contrast, dominance, proportion, and intensity.
- The National
Map (The U.S. Geological Survey--USGS): is a consistent framework for
geographic knowledge needed by the Nation. It provides public access to
high-quality, geospatial data and information from multiple partners to
help support decision-making by resource managers and the public. The
National Map is the product of a consortium of Federal, State, and local
partners who provide geospatial data to enhance America's ability to
access, integrate, and apply geospatial data at global, national, and
local scales.
Science.gov: public access and a unified search of the U.S.
government’s vast stores of scientific and technical information. An
interagency initiative of 16 U.S. government science organizations within
12 Federal agencies. Topic areas include: Agriculture & Food, Applied
Science & Technologies, Astronomy & Space, Biology & Nature, Computers &
Communication, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Energy & Energy Conservation,
Environment & Environmental Quality, Health & Medicine, Math, Physics, &
Chemistry, Natural Resources & Conservation, Science Education, Homework
Help, Teaching Aids, Science Internships…
- SciTechResources:
provides students, scientists, and technologists with easy, one-stop
access to key U.S. government resources. Thousands of web sites are
reviewed to select those that provide the most valuable information.
October 23, 2006
USAVoter.info is one of the most utilized and effective online voter
information sites. It began in 1998. Since that time millions of voters
have logged on to learn more about candidates, races, and basic voting
information. To get started just enter your Zip code in the field below
and click the Submit button to see the races/issues that will appear on
your ballot.
William James:
Includes Essays, Excerpts, Letters, and Reviews; Talks to Teachers on
Psychology and to Students on Life's Ideals; The Principles of
Psychology; Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking;
The Meaning of Truth; The Will to Believe; Essays in
Radical Empiricism; On The Varieties of Religious Experience.
Microsoft Office Templates for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access.
There are also templates for other Office programs. You'll find free
templates for budgets, résumés, cards and much more.
Microsoft Photo Story 3 for Windows XP: Create slideshows using your
digital photos. With a single click, you can touch-up, crop, or rotate
pictures. Add stunning special effects, soundtracks, and your own voice
narration to your photo stories. Then, personalize them with titles and
captions. Small file sizes make it easy to send your photo stories in an
e-mail. Watch them on your TV, a computer, or a Windows Mobile–based
portable device.
October 19, 2006
Costume Idea Zone:
Unique Costume Ideas, Costume Ideas for Couples, Costume Ideas for Groups,
Traditional Costume Ideas, Quick & Easy Costume Ideas.
"Click for Cans 2006": This year,
one NFL team will earn a donation of Campbell's® soup to the
food bank of its choice. How much soup? We'll get the official stats for
all the players on the winning team's official roster and donate one can
for every pound the total team weighs! Visit Chunky.com every day to click
on your favorite NFL team. The team with the most clicks and the team with
the most improved clicks by midnight on December 15, 2006 will earn
donations of Campbell's® soup.
October 18, 2006
The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing
Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions — Alphabetical Index.
Theology Library
(compiled by Gerald Darring). The Library is Catholic but in an ecumenical
way, respecting the contributions of other Christian denominations. It
takes a dialogical approach rather than a confrontational one, downplaying
apologetics and encouraging inter-religious dialogue.
NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) provides scientific
stewardship, products, and services for geophysical data from the Sun to
the Earth and Earth's sea floor and solid earth environment, including
Earth observations from space.
October 17, 2006
- Fontifier
lets you use your own handwriting for the text you write on your computer.
It turns a scanned sample of your handwriting into a handwriting font that
you can use in your word processor or graphics program, just like regular
fonts such as Helvetica.
Insect Photography by Alex Wild: Includes ants, coleoptera, diptera,
mecoptera, paleoptera, 'apterygota', orthopteroids, hempiteroids,
neuroptera, lepidoptera, trichoptera, hymenoptera.
Ten Mistakes
Writers Don't See (But Can Easily Fix When They Do): Following is a
list to refer people to before they submit anything in writing to anybody
(agent, publisher, your mom, your boss). From email messages and
front-page news in the New York Times to published books and magazine
articles, the 10-ouchies listed here crop up everywhere. They're so
pernicious that even respected Internet columnists are not immune.
October 16, 2006
ShoeBuy.com: The World’s Largest Site for Shoes. Free Shipping - No
Sales Tax - Free Returns & Exchanges - 110% Price Guarantee - 100% Safe
Purchase Guarantee.
Recipes: Moist Chocolate Cake - Ask.com
Physician Assistant History Center: The PAHx Center is dedicated to
the study of the history and legacy of the physician assistant profession
through the collection and identification of appropriate papers,
manuscripts, magazine and newspaper clippings, newsletters, references,
reports, dissertations, oral histories, biographies, films, slides,
videos, photographs, artifacts, memorabilia and digital images.
October 13, 2006
Paraskevidekatriaphobia: Fear of Friday the 13th
Urban Legends and Folklore from David Emery at About.com
- The
Academy of Achievement: an interactive museum of living history with
the extraordinary individuals–the
leaders, discoverers and creators who shape the world in which we live.
Here you’ll find an amazing collection, not of mere artifacts, but of
people and ideas that fill you with inspiration, encouragement, and the
will to achieve. You control the presentation by selecting a field of
achievement or quality essential for success. From them you can learn the
secrets to achieve more than you ever dreamed possible. Who knows, ‘you
might even discover yourself.’
Internet for
Historians - Virtual Training Suite: an interactive
step-by-step guide created to help historians make the best use of
Internet resources in their academic work.
Conversations on the Constitution is a new program of the ABA
Division for Public Education to encourage civil discussion and debate
about the meaning of some of the Constitution's concepts and clauses that
have been the subject of ongoing constitutional debates. Topics include:
the Preamble, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, War Powers, Separation of
Powers, The Advice and Consent of the Senate, an Establishment of
Religion, Unreasonable Searches and Seizures.
- Shodor
Education Foundation (National Science Foundation): To advance science
and math education through the use of computational science, modeling and
technology. Curriculum Materials >
Search by Subject
- Interactivate:
free, online courseware designed to create, collect, and disseminate
Java-based courseware for exploration in science and mathematics. Visitors
can consider some of the 90 items they have created so far. The subjects
covered include geometry, algebra, probability, and discrete functions.
October 12, 2006
- The Architect
of the Capitol is responsible to the United States Congress for the
maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the United States
Capitol Complex, which includes the Capitol, the congressional office
buildings, the Library of Congress buildings, the Supreme Court building,
the U.S. Botanic Garden, the Capitol Power Plant, and other facilities.
October 11, 2006
- Wine
Regions, Wine Tasting, Wine Serving & Wine Shopping: Wine buying tips,
wine of the month clubs, wine making supplies, and everything for the wine
UPMC Sports Medicine offers a complete range of services, focusing on
the treatment and prevention of injuries and illnesses related to daily
physical activity, exercise, sports and the performing arts.
- ImPACT - Concussion Management.
ImPACT is used by numerous NFL teams, a number of Major League Baseball
teams (including all umpires), several National Basketball Association
teams, and more than 250 colleges and universities. In addition, more
than 900 high schools nationwide currently use the ImPACT program.
National Geographic's Animals: dedicated to presenting pictures,
facts, habitats and also videos of animals. You can look up your favorite
'Amphibians,' 'Birds', 'Bugs,' 'Fish,' 'Invertebrates,' 'Mammals' and
'Reptiles.' The 'A-to-Z' Animals Directory will help narrow your search.
Once you located your 'Animal,’ you can get all the information including
a Profile, Fast Facts, Multimedia, some with sights and sounds and
possibly a link back to a live 'Crittercam' where you can actually view
your subject in its environment.
- Stay Safe Online (National Cyber Security
Alliance): the go-to resource for cyber security awareness and
education for home user, small business, and education audiences. NCSA
provides tools and resources to empower home users, small businesses, and
schools, colleges, and universities to stay safe online.
October 10, 2006
CurrentCodes.com: Hundreds of well-known online stores have a place
within their shopping cart for a "coupon code" that gives a percent or
dollar amount off your purchase. Our attention is on coupon codes only,
because our mission is to have absolutely the best coupon code database on
the Internet with the latest deals, bargains and message boards.
- CCleaner:
a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files
from your system—allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable
hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as
your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally
taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!
October 9, 2006
The Chicago Manual of Style -- Citation Quick Guide:
Presents two basic documentation systems, the humanities style (notes and
bibliography) and the author-date system. Choosing between the two often
depends on subject matter and nature of sources cited, as each system is
favored by different groups of scholars.
The World Almanac E-Newsletter
– October 2006: October Events | October–National
and International | This Day In History–October
| October Birthdays. For other months or years, change the year and month
code in the URL – www.worldalmanac.com/newsletter/200610WAE-Newsletter.html
October 7, 2006
Gadgets, which have long been available for
users to add to the Google homepage and Google Desktop, are now available
for webpage owners to add to their own web pages. Google Gadgets are
miniature-sized objects that offer cool and dynamic content that can be
placed on any page on the web.
College Math Resources: free interactive web-based resources that help
with the learning of college level mathematics.
Association of School Psychologists: Crisis Resources. Valuable
resources for professionals who work with children, divided into
eight different sections, includes links to other online resources, and
those that deal with specific subjects, such as suicide, trauma, and
natural disasters. The natural disaster section includes fact sheets on
how to help children after a wildfire and in the aftermath of a tsunami.
Moving on, the suicide section contains like-minded materials on how to
address teen suicide and preventive measures. The site is rounded out with
a selection of crisis resources in Spanish.
October 6, 2006
October 2, 2006
CarePages: free, easy-to-use Web pages that help family and friends
communicate when a loved one is receiving care. Create a virtual meeting
place on the web - Share news and photos as often as needed - Receive
emotional support during a time of need.
Create a Windows CD for PCs That Don't Have One—PC World (October
September 27, 2006
Schools: Learning resources for home and school
- BBC Languages: German,
Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Greek and more.
- The Self Help Zone: A Place
for Self Improvement and Personal Growth. A dependable source of
information with over 500 articles related to self help, mental health,
stress, anxiety and depression. It is designed to give you immediate, open
access to information on the self help issues that are important to you.
- NationMaster: a
massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations
from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD. You can
generate maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with ease. You can
also view profiles of individual countries including their maps and flags,
use correlation reports and scatterplots to find relationships between
variables, and refer to fully integrated encyclopedia with over one
million articles.
- Audiograbber grabs
and copies a cd's audio digitally—not through the soundcard—which enables
you to make perfect copies of the originals. It can automatically
normalize the music, delete silence from the start and/or end of tracks,
and send them to a variety or external MP3 encoders. You can even record
your vinyl LP's or cassette tapes with Audiograbber and make wav's or
MP3's of them.
September 25, 2006
PBS TeacherSource: These curriculum materials weave together video and
online resources into an exciting instructional strategy that builds on
the visual and collaborative strengths of the media. TeacherSource strives
to use technology creatively to save you time and quickly connect you to
relevant resources. Content areas are:
Arts & Literature
| Health & Fitness
| Math |
Science |
Social Studies
| Pre K-2 |
Library Media.
The Digital Library for Earth Science Education (DLESE) provides
access to "quality teaching and learning resources about the Earth as a
system for a wide range of learners." With an impressive array of
materials, it’s hard to know where to start, but first-time visitors may
wish to look over the most recent edition of their in-house newsletter,
which profiles some of the materials that have been added to the site. Of
course, there is also a general search engine that allows users to search
all of the materials by grade level, resource type, standards, and
thematic collection.
National Alliance for Hispanic Health: advocates on behalf of the well
being of Hispanics across the country, and over the years, they have
created a number of resources that will pique the interest of public
health experts and the general public. Visitors can get a handle of some
of their most requested documents, which include fact sheets on health
issues in the Hispanic community, phone hotlines, and news updates about
their latest work.
Digitalmedia Center (World Bank): Podcasts on development issues in
South Asia and photographic essays of the Amazon River Basin are just some
of the many highlights of this website created by the World Bank. Of
course, the World Bank has always been well known for its many working
papers and research reports, but this site is tailored for a more general
audience and some of these resources could also be used in the classroom.
September 21,2006
September 19, 2006
September 15, 2006
The Grapes of
Staph - Microbiology: the creation of one Prof. Gary Kaiser, who
teaches microbiology at the Community College of Baltimore County.
Prof. Kaiser has assembled a prodigious collection of materials that
can be used by fellow educators and aspiring microbiology
students…First-time visitors will want to delve right into the "Lecture
Guide," which provides hundreds of lecture note pages, illustrations,
animations, and photomicrographs. Students who have just entered college
will want to take a look at the very helpful "Study Tips" area, which
offers six specific suggestions on how to succeed in any college-level
course. The "Tutorials" area also serves as a nice supplement, as it
contains nice explanations of such processes as cellular respiration,
photosynthesis, and of course, protein synthesis. The site is rounded out
by a selection of external sites of interest, including links to the
American Society for Microbiology and Science.
September 13, 2006
Campus Life web resources from
students.gov: To
prepare you for campus life and the world of academia, check out these
students.gov resources for a stress-free year and a well-rounded college
College Survival Tips (Collegeboard.com)—Advice and tips from the
College Board to make your transition to college more successful. From
how to improve study habits and manage your time, to advice on meal
plans and travel help—you'll find lots of useful information here.
- Security On Campus (SOC)
is a national, non-profit organization with a mission of making campuses
safer for students. SOC is geared to preventing campus crimes and
assisting campus victims to enforce their legal rights against violent
- Student
Mental Health (National Institute of Mental Health)—College offers
new experiences and challenges, but it can also be stressful and make
you feel sad. If the blues persist, you can get help. Find out more
about clinical depression, its causes, how to recognize signs, and where
to seek treatment.
- Volunteer Match—
utilizes the power of the Internet to help individuals nationwide find
volunteer opportunities posted by local nonprofit and public sector
organizations in the United States.
- What's That Bug takes a
rather unique approach to identifying bugs: the site posts pictures of
these creepy crawlers so that you can identify them yourself. Search the
images by the type 'bug' you suspect your specimen might be, from aphids
to worms. There are also bug photos posted on the home page and a special
'Bug of the Month' feature.
September 11, 2006
- The
September 11 Digital Archive: The Digital Archive will contribute to
the on-going effort by historians and archivists to record and preserve
the record of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, Virginia, and
Pennsylvania and the public responses to them by: collecting first-hand
accounts of the 9/11 attacks and the aftermath (especially voices
currently under-represented on the web), collecting and archiving emails
and digital images growing out of these events, organizing and annotating
the most important web-based resources on the subject, and developing
materials to contextualize and teach about the events.
- MedPix™ Medical
Image Database: Peer Reviewed Teaching Files and Imaging Atlas
- United States Small
Business Administration: Designed to give business owners a basic
overview of how to manage, market, and lead their business. The site is
divided into several discrete sections, including "Management for Growth,"
"Leadership" and "Marketing & Sales."
- Teaching Quantitative
Skills in the Geosciences: Helping students master skills ranging from
simple arithmetic or graphing, to sophisticated use of equations and
models is an integral aspect of teaching geoscience at the undergraduate
- FamilyEducation.com,
Learning Network Parent Channel: The first parenting site on the Web
geared toward parents who are involved, committed and responsive to their
families' needs. Parents can find practical guidance, grade-specific
information about their children's school experience, strategies to get
involved with their children's learning, free email newsletters, idea
exchanges in addition to fun and entertaining family activities.
September 7, 2006
September 6, 2006
Direct Relief
International: established in 1948 as non-sectarian, non-governmental,
and apolitical. Our mission is to improve the health of people living in
developing countries and those who are victims of natural disasters, war,
and civil unrest. We work to strengthen the indigenous health efforts of
our international partners by providing essential material
resources—medicines, supplies and equipment.
- L'Osservatore
Romano - Digital Photo Archive: gives both professionals and private
individuals access to thousands of photographs of the Pope and the Holy
See via the Internet.
Ask.com Toolbar:
fastest and easiest way to get the information you want, when you want it,
from anywhere on the Internet. Search the web from anywhere online.
Convenient one-click access to News, Maps, Weather, Images, Dictionary,
Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Yellow Pages, Shopping Search, and more....
Grilling Recipes: (Ask.com) - BBQ, Grilled Ribs, Chicken,
Steak, Seafood…BBQ
Recipes …Chicken
Pie Recipes…Potato
Salad Recipes…Macaroni
Salad Recipes.
- Drugs.com:
Prescription drug information for consumers & professionals. The most
popular, comprehensive and up-to-date drug information resource online.
Fast, easy searching of over 24,000 approved medications.
Melanoma: What You Need to Know.
Wine-Searcher: A search engine of wine stores, winery, and wine
auction, price lists and catalogues. Up-to-date, with the 7710 price lists
all refreshed (on average) twice a week.
PhD Comics:
Welcome to "Piled Higher and Deeper", the ongoing chronicle of life (or
the lack thereof) in grad school.
National Library of
Virtual Manipulatives: web-based virtual manipulatives or concept
tutorials, mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction
(K-12 emphasis).
HomeworkSpot: free homework information portal that features the very
best K-12 homework-related sites (organized into grade-appropriate
categories for elementary, middle and high school)…Our team of educators,
librarians and journalists has scoured the Web to bring you the best
resources for English, math, science, history, art, music, technology,
foreign language, college prep, health, life skills, extracurricular
activities and much more.
- National
Geographic for Kids - Homework Help: Research information on
Animals, History/Culture, Geography/Maps, Photos/Art, Science/Nature.
- SparkNotes.com: Created by
Harvard students for students everywhere, SparkNotes study guides are
the perfect aid for studying and writing papers. Each guide contains
thorough summaries and insightful critical analysis of a nearly endless
range of subjects including English literature, English Grammar,
Shakespeare, Spanish, History Math, Chemistry and The SAT. We offer
hundreds of study guides for free to read on the web, and many
SparkNotes and SparkCharts as downloadable, printable PDFs.
- Figure This!: Mathematical
challenges for families provide interesting math challenges that
middle-school students can do at home with their families.
September 2, 2006
ProLifeSearch.com: "Web's First Pro-Life Search Engine." Supporting a
culture of life & finding what you want on the Internet.
Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician’s Guide. Written for
primary care and mental health clinicians, it addresses the subject of how
to help patients with alcohol problems. Created by qualified professionals
at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is
divided into several sections designed to help such practitioners with the
process of screening for alcohol problems and, if necessary, conducting an
intervention. Finally, the site is rounded out by a FAQ document which
answers such questions as "What can I do to help patients who struggle to
remain abstinent or who relapse?"
Exercises in
Math Readiness: instructional tools to refresh memories on various
mathematical concepts. Created by the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics at the University of Saskatchewan, the site contains exercises
of varying difficulty that will take users through such topics as
geometry, trigonometry, algebra, and exponential functions. Teachers will
also want to look at the section that offers them some specific
instructions on how the site might best be used with students.
MindZone: a mental health site for teens. All content has been
reviewed by a psychiatrist specializing in child and adolescent care. The
site is divided into three areas, 'Cope' where positive thinking comes
into play, 'Care,' featuring articles and resources to help your teenager
take care of herself/himself and friends and 'Deal,' with emphasis on
feelings. The FAQ section is a good resource if one is not sure what
questions need to be asked. And, 'Ask the Expert' will provide straight
answers to hard questions. Sponsored By the Annenberg Foundation Trust at
Sunnylands with support from the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the
University of Pennsylvania.
August 31, 2006
StudyBuddy (Time Warnes AOL) is a new search engine focused on
schoolchildren with results from sites pre-screened by teachers and
librarians. AOL has partnered with content providers like encyclopedias to
provide information. It also refers to homework-friendly sites, such as
the Smithsonian Institution, NASA and the Library of Congress.
August 21, 2006
English-Daily: Free resources for learning English online - free
exercises, idioms, common abbreviations, slang, proverbs and much more.
resource for students, teachers, researchers, and anyone interested in the
history of Catholicism in the United States. Its purpose is to promote
deeper and wider understanding of the place of Catholics and the Catholic
Church in the history of the United States of America.
August 18, 2006
August 16, 2006
The Positive Press:
highlights positive stories found in mainstream media. By calling
attention to these stories we wish to encourage more constructive and
positive journalism. We seek to demonstrate that there is a great demand
for positive news. Includes: Positive Quote of the Day, Positive News of
the Day, Greeting Cards, Articles, Stories and Essays.
De Sales Spirituality
Center: pursue a practical path to holiness drawing upon the lives of
St. Francis de Sales & St. Jane de Chantal.
August 14, 2006
Alohaland.com: Hawaiian
Shirt Mother Lode. These fabulous, custom made aloha shirts are the very
best shirts in casual wear in the world. The colors are dazzling and
outrageous. Made in Oregon, USA as part of the Cottage Industry Network.
August 11, 2006
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability is not a filter, but provides
effective monitoring of websites your computer visits. You choose who
views your reports. Some examples of uses are: Parents monitor where their
children go on the Internet to train them in responsible use. Men/women
remain accountable to their spouses or an accountability group to
demonstrate an earnest desire to maintain a pure relationship. People with
a pornography problem use the program for accountability. Churches use the
Covenant Eyes Program to maintain accountable use of their computers.
Businesses use the Program to reduce productivity losses. Colleges use the
program to maintain accountability in dormitories.
WebAnatomy.net: online anatomy and physiology resources used in
courses on a regular basis. Includes sets of pathology images and slides
that cover such conditions as coronary artery thrombosis, atherosclerosis,
and so on. One rather handy section includes weblab modules that introduce
acolytes to the world of the heart, the lungs, and the digestive system
through slides and interactive photos. The site is rounded out by the
"Virtual Microscope" area, which includes detailed slides and explanations
of cartilage, bone, blood, and muscular tissue.
Algebasics: online mathematics instructional resource that takes young
and old alike through the basics of algebra. The breadth of the material
is divided into sixteen sections, which begin with, well, "the basics",
and proceed all the way to a section on applying algebra to real-world
Getting Results:
this self-contained professional development course is designed to
"challenge previous thinking about teaching and learning and give you the
basic tools for effective classroom practices." Users of this fine
resource can work independently, or also elect to team up with groups of
colleagues. Enhanced with online videos and worksheets, the course
contains six modules, including "Moving Beyond the Classroom" and
"Teaching with Technology". With an easy-to-use interface and
non-intrusive graphics, this site is a most welcome addition to currently
available online resources for community college educators.
Registry of U.S.
Government Publication Digitization Projects. GPO Online: A-Z
Resource List
- Family
First is an organization dedicated to 'putting the family first.' Here
is your portal for resources on parenting, marriage, family life and
family health, resources that all parents, whether in a dual parenting
situation or a single one, need. There's also a daily e-zine, Family
Minute with Mark Merrill, that will give you daily tips via e-mail that
always seem to arrive with the right tip at the right minute!
August 10, 2006
GetHuman.com: A consumer movement to improve the quality of phone
support in the US. Our goal is to make it easier for consumers to deal
with any company over the phone, through common sense standard ways that
their systems should work.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) - U.S. Dept. of Homeland
- Bright Ideas - 'Click, Create,
Celebrate': great resource for your celebration planning! Includes
craft ideas, unique recipes and fun activities organized by event and
holidays, e.g. Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Back to School, Christmas, etc.
August 9, 2006
- Hollywood
Creative Directory, commonly known as "the phone
books to Hollywood," offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date information
available, listing the names, numbers, addresses and current titles of
entertainment professionals from the film, television and music
industries. For almost twenty years this "insider's guide to the insiders"
has been a must-have for anyone seriously considering a career in the
entertainment business.
Brain Works:
This fun, interactive quiz will evaluate which hemisphere of your brain is
dominant as well as whether you evaluate things more predominantly with
visual or auditory cues. The right hemisphere of the brain is linked to
creativity, while the left hemisphere of the brain is paired with
analytical thinking. By knowing which hemisphere is dominant, we can
determine the style of learning that will be most effective for us.
August 3, 2006
FilmCritic.com - The Top 50 Movie Endings of All Time
Information Please: All
the Knowledge You Need
The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia—the Digital
Collection: the new virtual gallery of high-resolution artwork images from
the State Hermitage Museum.
- National
Portrait Gallery: collections of paintings, sculpture, prints,
drawings, and photographs document the diversity of individuals who have
made significant contributions to the history and culture of the United
- The National
Association for Business Economics (NABE): "This set of links is a
guide to useful and interesting information in the field of business
- USGS Natural Hazards Gateway
will educate citizens, emergency managers, and lawmakers on seven natural
hazards facing the Nation–
Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, and
August 2, 2006
Hard to Find
HealthLink - Office of
Clinical Informatics, Medical College of Wisconsin: Promotes health and
well-being with accurate, timely, impartial, and authoritative medical
August 1, 2006
July 31, 2006
The Jed Foundation
promotes efforts to prevent suicide by college students. It has released a
"Framework for Developing Institutional Protocols for the Acutely
Distressed or Suicidal College Student" to help colleges and universities
with their intervention programs.
Languages: Discover the Steps courses in Spanish, French, German and
Italian. Shorter Courses in Portuguese, Greek and Chinese.
Creighton University Online Ministries
- The Center for Liturgy at St.
Louis University provides a way for Catholics and other liturgical
Churches to pray, peruse, and understand the readings that are the focus
of the coming Sunday’s Mass.
- LaserMonks: Founded in 2002
by a group of enterprising Cistercian monks, LaserMonks provides top
quality Office Products, ink and toner supplies and school supplies and
accessories at considerable savings. Unlike the national retail chains,
each time you order from LaserMonks you are helping a charitable cause –
proceeds from the sale of products assist the monks good works projects in
our communities and sustain their life of prayer.
- ViewDo: Free online "how-to"
video library about Arts & Crafts, Computer/Electronics, Fitness,
Food/Drink, Home/Garden, Music, Outdoors/Sports/Leisure, Style,
Tips/Tricks. When the written word won’t suffice, and a picture can’t
quite get the point across either, a ViewDo gives you the detail and
perspective you need to get the job done.
- The Irish Playography:
describes itself as "a comprehensive database of all Irish plays produced
professionally since 1904."
July 28, 2006
- The Math
Forum @ Drexel: leading online resource for improving math learning,
math education, and communication. Offers a wealth of problems and
puzzles; online mentoring; research; team problem solving; collaborations;
and professional development.
July 27, 2006
- Motionbox
is all about viewing and sharing personal video. Today we have the amazing
ability to capture moving images on the fly. With this ability comes a
need for innovative ways to share our lives through video. Motionbox lets
users easily edit parts of videos to email others.
July 26, 2006
Catholic: Under The
Hood. Catholic podcasts by Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR.
Isidore's Corner: Focus is on Internet use among students and
teachers. Discusses computer/web related issues with a focus on what type
of research resources are available.
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH): a nationally
recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable
assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives.
In addition, the Handbook gives you job search tips, links to information
about the job market in each State, and more.
July 25, 2006
Catholic Search Engine: Our goal is to link all the Catholic websites
and to find it easily. If you know a certain Catholic website submit the
site to Cath.com.
The Darwin Awards
salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who
accidentally kill themselves in really stupid ways.
Pittsburgh: one of America's great urban treasures. Brendan Gill,
architecture writer for The New Yorker, 1990: "The three most beautiful
cities in the world are Paris; St. Petersburg, Russia; and Pittsburgh. If
Pittsburgh were situated somewhere in the heart of Europe, tourists would
eagerly journey hundreds of miles out of their way to visit it."
Success in
Mathematics: Tips on how to study mathematics, how to approach
problem-solving, how to study for and take tests, and when and how to get
American Sign Language University: designed for students, teachers,
parents, and visitors with an online sign language dictionary (complete
with demonstration photographs), fingerspelling lessons, and numbers
lessons. The section for teachers is a real gem, as it includes a number
of sample syllabi, general guidelines for instructors, as well as an
online library that includes subjects such as regional dialects in ASL,
Chinese Sign Language and the National Theater of the Deaf. Finally, the
site contains a special section for parents. Here, they can learn more
about communicating effectively with their child who is deaf.
Intellectual Property - Federal Judicial Center: Includes Copyright
Law, 2nd Ed. (2006) Robert A. Gorman; Manual for Complex Litigation,
Fourth (2004); Patent Law and Practice, 4th Ed. (2003) Herbert F.
Schwartz; Introduction to the Patent System (2002), and more.
July 13, 2006
Recreation.gov: Recreational Opportunities on Federal Lands. A portal
for six federal agencies. You'll find recreation data, state tourism
sites, reservation and pass information, preservation highlights,
recreation trails, scenic byways and those all important maps, individual
by park but also an entire United States map with the state sites. A
Weather Service forecast is available for most destinations.
July 12, 2006
Protect Your Move (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration): Our
mission is to decrease moving fraud by providing consumers with the
knowledge and resources to plan a successful move.
July 11, 2006
The Holy Grail:
Fact or Fiction? Is the legendary cup in the Cathedral of Valencia?
Google Directory of Urban Legends: computer virus hoaxes, conspiracy
theories, scientific hoaxes, chain letters, urban legends & Internet
folklore. Links to Hoaxbusters,
Urban Legends Reference Pages,
About.com: Urban Legends and
Folklore, The Museum of
Hoaxes, Don't Spread That
Hoax!, Darwin Awards
Urban Legends, and more.
July 10, 2006
Awesome Library organizes the Web with 31,000 carefully reviewed
resources, including the top 5 percent in education. Topic areas: The
Arts, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health and PE,
Technology, Languages. Includes sections for Teachers, Kids, Teens,
Parents, Librarians, and College Students.
U.S. News & World Report: Best Hospitals in 2006
Identity Theft Resource
Center (ITRC): a nonprofit, nationally respected program dedicated
exclusively to identity theft It provides consumer and victim support and
advises governmental agencies, legislators and companies about this
evolving and growing crime.
MathDL - Digital Classroom Resources: With an increased focus on the
importance of teaching mathematics throughout the education system in the
United States, the discovery of this fine online collection of resources
is most welcome. Developed by the Mathematical Association of America
(with substantial support from the National Science Foundation), the site
contains hundreds of classroom materials that have been extensively tested
and reviewed by peers in the field.
Presentation Assistant: online tutorial dedicated to the art and skill
of public speaking maintained by the communication studies department at
the University of Kansas. Covers such topics as selecting an appropriate
theme for a speech, how to research said speech, and supporting your
primary points. Also contains a selection of links to other sites that
deal with public speaking.
Buttonator: Create quick-n-easy web buttons. Button templates are on
the right. Click and drag the one you want into the "Button Preview"
window. Click on the text to change it. You can change the button
properties for text font, font size, and the width of the button) and the
color of the button and button text. Once satisfied with the button you
can download it as a .gif file.
July 6, 2006
College: The Knowledge
Network (The New York Times Circulation Department). Includes
Students, Faculty, Presidential Perspectives, Student Perspectives, Study
Abroad, American Democracy Project for Civic Engagement, Leadership for
July 5, 2006
5th World
Meeting of Families - Valencia, Spain. What the Magisterium of the
Church teaches about human sexuality, love, marriage and the family.
July 3, 2006
Fourth of July
Celebrations Database: to bring together in one source selected
examples of Fourth of July celebrations that have occurred throughout our
nation's history from 1776 to the present. The goal is to capture a slice
of the American cultural tradition--its pageantry, spectacle, music, and
symbol in order to enhance our understanding of the American character and
ushistory.org (The
Independence Hall Association): our mission is to educate the public about
the Revolutionary and Colonial eras of American history, as well as
Philadelphia generally.
News, analyses and documents of the Catholic Church
The Internet Classics
Archive: Bringing the wisdom of the classics to the Internet since
- Library
of Congress' Teachers: More than 10 million digitized historical
artifacts are available ranging from ancient manuscripts to Civil War
maps, from classic blues recordings to Coca-Cola commercials, from Dust
Bowl photographs to Thomas Edison's first films. These unique primary
sources are the raw materials of history, and bring students into close
personal contact with the people, places, and events of our nation's past.
K-12 classroom teachers are provided with tools to bring these collections
to life on the Library's Teachers page.
Environmental Health Science Education is an education outreach of the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences provides educators,
students and scientists with easy access to reliable tools, resources and
classroom materials. It seeks to invest in the future of environmental
health science by increasing awareness of the link between the environment
and human health.
S.O.S. MATHematics: resource for math review material for high school,
college students and adult learners. Get help to do your homework, refresh
your memory, prepare for a test,…Browse more than 2,500 Math pages filled
with short and easy-to-understand explanations on the following subject
areas: Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex
Variables, Matrix Algebra, or Mathematical Tables.
NativeWeb: disseminates information from and about indigenous nations,
peoples, and organizations around the world; to foster communication
between native and non-native peoples; to conduct research involving
indigenous peoples' usage of technology and the Internet; and to provide
resources, mentoring, and services to facilitate indigenous peoples' use
of this technology.
June 29, 2006
V-Com Computer
Industry Support links: PC tutorials, downloads, discussions,
resources for the computer-equipped traveler, PC based OSes, including
Windows, Linux, Unix and much more.
Pro 6: Organize and manage files, digital photos, MP3 music files and
web images on your PC. Includes PowerDesk Easy FTP, Sync Manager, Size
Manager™, Dialog Helper, Archive Manager, and File Finder. You can: move, copy, zip, label, color code, search, view,
prioritize, and convert your files the way you want to use them.
June 22, 2006
Internet Citation
Guides: Citing Electronic Sources in Research Papers and
A Brief Citation Guide for
Internet Sources in History and the Humanities: Includes General
Citation Guidelines, Bibliographic Citations, Footnote and Endnote
Citations, Additional Materials on Electronic Citations
- The
Lincoln Institute concentrates on providing support and assistance in
the study of the life of American's 16th President and the impact he had
on the preservation of the Union, the emancipation of black slaves, and
the development of democratic principles which have found worldwide
application. This site is a must on the life and politics of this man who
is 'remembered for his character, his speeches and letters, a man of
humble origins whose determination and perseverance led him to the
nation's highest office.'
- Poison
Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center - Facts and Myths
NatureServe Explorer:
an authoritative source for information on more than 65,000 plants,
animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada. Explorer includes
particularly in-depth coverage for rare and endangered species.
Detective: free online tutorial to develop Internet research skills
for your university and college work. The tutorial looks at the critical
thinking required when using the Internet for research and offers
practical advice on evaluating the quality of web sites.
- The Resource
Discovery Network: the UK's free national gateway to Internet
resources for the learning, teaching and research community. Results will connect you to Web sites relevant to learning, teaching and
research in your subject area -- Arts & Creative Industries, Hospitality,
Leisure, Sport & Tourism, Engineering, Mathematics & Computing Humanities,
Geography & Environment Physical Sciences, Health, Medicine & Life
Sciences, Social Science, Business & Law.
- Focus
Adolescent Services is an internet clearinghouse of information and
resources on teen and family issues to help and support families with
troubled and at-risk teens.
With Google: If you don’t know what to have for dinner, don’t worry —
Google can help! Type in a couple of ingredients - What kind of recipe you
want - Click > Grab a Recipe. Google will search and list recipes to
June 19, 2006
June 12, 2006
Take Pride in America®: a national partnership established
by the U.S. Department of Interior that aims to engage, support and
recognize volunteers who work to improve our public parks, forests,
grasslands, wildlife refuges, cultural and historical sites, local
playgrounds and other recreation areas.
Birthday E-Cards, free -- Family, Belated, Seasonal. Send a birthday
e-card to your near and dear ones with unconditional love, funny jokes and
a hearty smile and just send birthday wishes to your loved ones.
June 9, 2006
- John F.
Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum:
Speeches of John F. Kennedy &
Speeches of Robert F. Kennedy
Money Skills for Life: Designed to help educators, parents and
students practice better money management and financial literacy for life.
Americans think that financial basics are as important as the three R's
traditionally taught in school. To help today's youths and consumers of
all ages become financially savvy, Visa has partnered with leading
consumer advocates, educators and financial institutions to launch a
national program to improve the nation's financial skills.
State of the Union:
Presents graphical representations of how specific words have been used in
these speeches over the years, and attempts to "examine changes in the
language of the State of the Union address over the past 200 years." The
entire site provides an interesting and unique glimpse into one type of
content analysis, and one that is historically informed and quite
The Quote Garden: a
searchable collection of inspirational, funny, thought-provoking, famous,
and literary quotations, arranged by subject.
June 8, 2006
- ToxSeek
is a meta-search engine that enables simultaneous searching of many
different information resources on the World Wide Web. ToxSeek searches
across diverse biomedical and environmental health resources and so
provides a way to efficiently locate information resources on topics
related to toxicology and environmental health.
is an online resource for higher education administrators, students,
parents, and other professionals who are seeking information about
creating healthier and safer living and learning environments for college
and university students, both on campus and in the surrounding community.
This Web site emphasizes a comprehensive public health-based approach to
addressing alcohol and other drug use and violence and in promoting mental
health wellness among students.
June 7, 2006
AnnualCreditReport.com: This central site allows you to request a free
credit file disclosure, commonly called a credit report, once every 12
months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies:
Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
UsingEnglish.com: provides grammar glossaries, reference sheets on
irregular verbs, phrasal verbs and idioms, teacher handouts, and ESL
forums. The site contains short pieces on using punctuation properly,
formal letter writing, and brief musings on various elements of the
English language that may be helpful both for ESL teachers and those
seeking to learn the language.
American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank, Top 100 Speeches, Christian
Rhetoric, Movie Speeches, speeches and other rhetorical artifacts
following September, 11 2001.
Inside the Brain: An
Interactive Tour. The Alzheimer's Association sponsors this website
for the purpose of helping the general public better understand the
workings of the brain and 'how Alzheimer's affects it.' The links to other
sites give the visitor the opportunity to explore the brain in its
entirety from a variety of approaches.
TakeMeFishing: Your single source of information on fishing, boating
and caring for the water.' You'll 'find helpful tips, information and
local resources to get out on the water.
Times: Science Q & A - An archive of asked and answered science
Purplemath contains
hundreds of lessons designed to help students who might be having trouble
with algebra. "These lessons emphasize the practicalities rather than the
technicalities, demonstrating dependable techniques, warning of likely
"trick" questions, and pointing out common mistakes."
'When You
Come Home...' A Multimedia Tribute to Our Troops: Beliefnet
The High Calling of Our
Daily Work seeks to connect people with the faith that undergirds and
sustains all that we do. Daily work embraces all aspects and activities of
daily life—including home, community, leisure, as well as occupation.
GoodThings.com: Here’s the site to remind you that the best things in
life can be free. On this ‘Guide to Good’ you’ll find ‘good stories,’
‘good work,’ ‘good action,’ ‘good people’ and ‘good gravy’ all within a
mouse click of each other. It’s time to accentuate the positive.
- Ask.com
provides relevant search results by identifying the most authoritative
sites on the Web. With Ask search technology, it's not just about who's
biggest: it's about who's best. Our ExpertRank algorithm goes beyond mere
link popularity to determine popularity among pages considered to be
experts on the topic of your search. This is known as subject-specific
History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web. Visitors will find
three primary sections. In "Many Pasts", visitors can explore over 1000
primary documents, including photographic images and audio interviews.
"Making Sense of Evidence" provides material on how historians approach
resources as they attempt to craft intelligent and erudite narratives. The
final section, "www.history", contains brief reviews of over 800 websites
that address various aspects of American history. The site also contains a
number of other gems, including "Secrets of Great History Teachers", which
features interviews with those who impart the knowledge of the ages with
wisdom and insight.
- American
Journalism Review: contains articles ranging from the changing media
landscape in the United States and to discussions about whether newsrooms
should use the names of illegal immigrants in their reporting on various
events, and visitors may also browse the archives of this publication all
the way back to 1991. The "Take 2" area contains a number of funny errors
and clever headlines culled straight from the wide world of the American
Teach For
America is the national corps of outstanding recent college graduates
of all academic majors who commit two years to teach in urban and rural
public schools and become lifelong leaders in ensuring educational equity
and excellence for all children. Our mission is to build the movement to
eliminate educational inequity by enlisting our nation's most promising
future leaders in the effort.
- The
Teachers Network is a site 'by teachers, for teachers.' Its mission is
'to empower, recognize, and connect teachers to improve student learning,
and to advocate for teacher leadership, all for the public good.' You'll
find lesson plans, essays by those in the work force on their teaching
experiences and also a list of grants available to educators. This site is
also valuable as a resource for anyone interested in teaching instruction,
as well as a good resource for home schooling.
Nido Qubein
- Free Articles on Communications and Sales/Management.
May 26, 2006
DisciplesNow.com is a web-based ministry for youth focused on the
traditions, life, and mission of the Catholic faith community. As a
informational resource, Disciples Now provides opportunities to learn, to
discuss, and to celebrate the challenges of discipleship in the context of
daily life.
May 24, 2006
- The
National Agricultural Library Digital Repository (NALDR) provides
access to publications either digitized by NAL or through NAL’s
partnerships with other institutions.
SalvageData Recovery is the world's first and only certified Data
Salvaging company offering state-of-the-art tools, software and data
recovery service expertise. Our professional salvage & data recovery
services for failed hard disk drives and Server RAID Data Recovery are
second to none.
May 22, 2006
Parody: "The Norman Rockwell Code" about 30 minutes long. Don't let
the Troll introduction confuse you, it’s not long.
Answers.com: Online Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Dictionary, Almanac, and
more answers.
- Recipe
Source: First appeared as SOAR: The Searchable Online Archive
of Recipes. Recipe Source has organized the
recipes into two major groups - recipes primarily identified with an
ethnic cuisine are broken down by region ethnic group, while other recipes
are categorized by the type of dish.
Office of Science Education - National Institutes of Health: Primarily
is concerned with both encouraging science literacy in adults and children
as well as attracting young people to biomedical and behavioral science
careers. It divides materials into a list of resource formats, which
include lesson plans, newsletters, and book covers. Visitors
can search materials by the appropriate educational level, such as
elementary or secondary. Along with this veritable treasure-trove of
educational materials, there is the "Research Results for the Public"
area. Here, visitors can read fact sheets that decipher some of the more
complex medical research from highly technical language into a language
that is both lucid and accessible.
- Economic Statistics Briefing Room - White House. Peruse sections that
offer information on income, output, transportation, and prices. Drawing
on the research and statistical databases of several dozen federal
agencies (including the National Agricultural Statistics Services),
visitors can view tables and charts that offer such timely material as
crude oil prices, poverty rates, and household wealth. Within each
section, visitors can view summary statistics, and then if they wish, they
can proceed to the homepage of the agency that provided each set of
May 18, 2006
College Opportunities Online Locator (COOL): a consumer information
tool for students, parents, high school counselors, and others interested
in post-secondary education in the United States. The site allows users to
see and compare profiles of nearly 7,000 colleges and universities
throughout the nation. Users can search by location, program or major, and
a variety of institutional characteristics to identify post-secondary
institutions that fit their preferences.
Federal Habeas Corpus: A
Brief Legal Overview (Congressional Research Service).
full text PDF
- Resources for College Libraries Blog:
"...debut of a new online message board that will allow some of the
world’s most highly regarded library professionals to post updates
regarding their progress on individual subject areas being developed for
the new Resources for College Libraries database."
- United
States Money: A Guide to Information Sources. Resources on the history
of money in the United States from colonial times to the present. Although
the focus is on the United States, we have included a few selected
resources that also briefly cover the early history of money elsewhere in
the world.
May 11, 2006
The Benjamin Franklin
Tercentenary. On the 300-year anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s birth
(1706-2006), join in the national celebration honoring the life and
enduring legacy of one of our most remarkable founding fathers.
Benjamin Franklin: In His Own Words. A Library of Congress exhibit
looks at the depth and breadth of Benjamin Franklin's public,
professional, and scientific accomplishments through important documents,
letters, books, broadsides, and cartoons. Marking the tercentenary of
Franklin's birth, this exhibition, concentrates on his achievements as a
printer and writer, an inventor and scientist, and, particularly, as a
politician and statesman.
China Guide: Discover China interactively via Forbidden City
Historical Tour in Images and a 360 degree presentation of the area. In
addition to the Forbidden City, take cyber tours of Tiananmen Square, The
Gate of Heavenly Peace, The Summer Palace, The Marco Polo Bridge, to name
a few of the features.
StartUpNation: Links to areas of interest to the prospective
entrepreneur, including those that deal with customer service and creating
strategic marketing plans.
Law Library of Congress:
provides research and legal information to the U.S. Congress as well as to
U.S. Federal Courts and Executive Agencies, and offers reference services
to the public. The real substance of the site is found in the "Digital
Resources & Links" area -- look through the Global Legal Information
Network, and even browse on over to the website of the American Bar
May 5, 2006
Cinco de
Maya: A grade 2-3 WebQuest with teacher notes, includes Introduction,
Tasks, Resources.
World Day of Prayer for Vocations - May 7, 2006. Pope Benedict's
message for the day:
The United States Golf
Association (USGA) has served as the national governing body of golf
for the U.S. since 1894. USGA says it has "the world's largest and most
complete golf library;" it contains "books on all aspects of the game,
including history, rules, instruction, equipment, biography, records,
travel, club histories, literature and reference. The periodical
collection encompasses more than 800 bound volumes, as well as some 10,000
unbound issues representing more than 100 titles dating back to the
The Psychology of Color - Hewlett-Packard: The colors that you choose
impact your image. Learn how to use colors to convey your intentions.
Broadway.com: Choose any current musical or play and read what it’s
about, get showtimes, prices, and even order tickets online. Read the
headlines to see what the hottest shows running are.
May 2, 2006
- DaVinci Code Credulity
The DaVinci Code: The facts behind the fiction - Amy Welborn
- The
Da Vinci Code opportunity - George Weigel
- Jesus
Decoded - U.S. Bishops’ Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC):
provides accurate information on Jesus, Catholic teaching, and various
topics explored in The DaVinci Code. The web site explains Catholic
beliefs and include articles from theologians, media commentators, art
experts and others that provide background and also rebut the speculation
and inaccuracies about Christ and the origins of Christianity. Jesus
Decoded, a CCC documentary that brings authentic Catholic teaching about
Jesus Christ into focus, will be available to NBC-TV stations for
broadcast starting the third weekend of May.
- The DaVinci
Code–Faith, Doubt and the Search for Truth - Beliefnet. Quick facts
related to the questions about modern and medieval Christianity raised by
"The DaVinci Code."
The Da Vinci Doubt - Our Faith in Action - Lesson Plan
- FamilyDoctor.org - Health
Information for the Whole Family from the American Academy of Family
Physicians (AAFP)
Butterflies of North America: This site will take you on a fabulous
butterfly tour of the United States and Mexico, complete with beautiful
and detailed color photographs. Search your own state to see what
indigenous caterpillars and butterflies exist in your neck of the woods.
May 1, 2006
The Art of the
Commencement Speech, an Archive: Index of Outstanding Speeches from
1936 to 2005
The Mind of Leonardo: The Universal Genius at Work. Invites visitors
to explore the genius’ very mode of thinking and his unitary conception of
knowledge as the effort to assimilate, through bold theoretical syntheses
and inventive experiments, the laws that govern all of the wondrous
operations of man and nature.
Frugal tips for cutting back on your grocery bill, cheap and easy recipes,
menu planning ideas, shopping hints, frugal living ideas, and a
downloadable grocery list and price book.
- HealthNewsReview.org is
a website dedicated to improving the accuracy of news stories about
medical treatments, tests and procedures and helping consumers evaluate
the evidence for and against new ideas in health care.
April 28, 2006
Ballpark Digest: began as a rather limited collection of ballpark
reviews, but has grown into a daily chronicle of the culture and business
of baseball. Professionals throughout the industry rely on the daily news
updates for important information, while baseball fans use the reviews to
plan their ballpark pilgrimages.
April 26, 2006
April 25, 2006
The Love Is Not
Abuse Curriculum is a guide to teaching high school
students about the issue of dating violence. Using literature and poetry,
this program provides teachers with the tools to teach about this
sensitive subject and is intended to be taught in either Health or
English/Language Arts classes.
- Troubled Teens:
Parents of troubled teens across the country are realizing that they need
help dealing with a son or daughter that is making poor decisions. And
they are discovering that they are not alone. It is a time to take action!
We offer both wilderness training and academic training for troubled
- i-SAFE America - worldwide leader
in the Internet safety education. Endorsed by the U.S. Congress, i-SAFE is
a non-profit foundation dedicated to protecting the online experiences of
youth everywhere. i-SAFE incorporates classroom curriculum with dynamic
community outreach to make the Internet a safer place.
- EDSITEment: This educational
partnership of National Endowment for the Humanities, National Trust for
the Humanities, and the Verizon Foundation brings online humanities
resources from some of the world's great museums, libraries, cultural
institutions, and universities directly to your classroom.
- ScienceBase - developed by
David Bradley, a science writer. This portal can be used by both students
for research projects and by the general public to get educated on the
latest on the science front. Visitors enter a 'portal to science articles
in astronomy biology, chemistry, physics and other areas of scientific
discovery.' It 'features external newsfeeds and educational help sections
for science fair projects and chemistry assignments and other related
science education matters, including science lesson plans and free science
magazines' in addition to search tools and links.
- 2TonGorilla.com -
Strong stuff for techs. A huge amount of information for PC computer techs
from links to fast-answer tech pages to the latest in tech news, tools and
gadgets, and we're updating the site daily.
April 20, 2006
- The
Cook's Thesaurus is a cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands
of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions,
synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.
April 13, 2006
Easter in CyberSpace – A Christian Perspective. The
sections on 'Easter History,' 'Lent and Holy Week,' 'Drama and Poetry,'
'Images and Graphics,' as well as 'Easter Hotlists' provide comprehensive
material for understanding the deeply personal event that is the
foundation of the Christian faith.
McAfee Threat Center: McAfee
AVERT® Labs helps you maintain the highest possible level of security. 100
researchers in 14 countries continuously monitor the latest threats and
provide remediation, so that you can stay ahead of the latest threats and
respond quickly to emergencies.
Calendar: free online shareable calendar service. With Google
Calendar, it's easy to keep track of all your life's important events –
birthdays, reunions, little league games, doctor's appointments – all in
one place. Using Google Calendar, you can add events and invitations
effortlessly, share with friends and family (or keep things to yourself),
and search across the web for events you might enjoy. It's organizing made
RAND Corporation - Terrorism and Homeland Security. Includes a
complete list of full-text publications
here, arranged chronologically.
April, 10, 2006
is the general-interest, bimonthly magazine published by EDUCAUSE. The
magazine takes a broad look at current developments and trends in
information technology, what these mean for higher education, and how they
may affect the college/university as a whole.
April 5, 2006
April 4, 2006
Getting Rid of Spam: The basics
of spam, "phishing" and other e-mail pests, how they got your address in
the first place—and what to do now that you're inundated.
Free Birthday E-Cards:
Be the first to send free birthday cards, free e-cards, happy birthday
cards and free online birthday cards for the ones you love the most.
Medical News Today is the largest independent health and medical news
website on the Internet. Medical News Today is updated with more than 50
articles every day, 7 days a week— more than any other health news site.
The site is divided into 89 medical categories/specialties allowing you to
browse only the news relevant you. Advanced news archive searches allow
you to quickly find the articles you want.
- Sky.fm Internet
Radio: Smooth Jazz, Top Hits Music, Best of the 80s, All Hit 70s,
Mostly Classical, New Age, Country, Reggae, Classical Guitar, Modern Jazz,
World: Battery Boosters. Sick of running out of juice at the worst
possible moment? Here's how to squeeze every last drop out of your
gadgets' batteries and charge them up quickly and conveniently.
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan.
March 31, 2006
- The Hotel Chatter: 2006 list of the
Best WiFi Hotels 2006 – Worst
WiFi Hotels 2006
100Free-eCards.com: over 15,000 ecards covering more than 1,500
festivals and events.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Liber8: Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis librarians designed this site with university and government
document librarians, students, and the general public in mind. This site
provides a single point of access to the economic information that the
Federal Reserve System, other government agencies, and data providers have
to offer.
March 30, 2006
Catholic Information
Center on Internet: News & Literature, Magazines, Diocesan Newspapers,
Catholic Books, Radio
Online Reference Book for
Medieval Studies.
- Online Reference Book
for Medieval Studies Encyclopedia: A Topical Index. Early Medieval,
High Medieval, Late Medieval, Slavic/Russian, Religion, Languages and
Linguistics, Culture
- Online
Textbooks - Full-Length Texts for Classroom Use: It is our goal in
this section to make available online texts that have been written by
experienced medievalists and tested both in the classroom and on the
internet. Because medievalists are often assigned to teach courses at both
ends of their chronological period, we have expanded our coverage in this
section to include western survey courses and the period of Renaissance
and Reformation.
- Internet Medieval
Sourcebook: Church Councils, Writings of the Church Fathers,
Byzantium, Islam, Historiography, Medieval Thought, Medieval Spiritual
Writing, Governmental/Administrative/Documents, Renaissance Texts,
Reformation Texts, Catholic Reformation Texts, Early Church Fathers
Series_Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post Nicene
March 28, 2006
The Joyful
Noiseletter, the monthly newsletter of the Fellowship of Merry
Christians, assists pastors, church leaders, and lay people in bringing
more joy, humor, laughter, and celebration into the life of their churches
and families. Our modest aim is to recapture the spirit of joy, humor,
unity and healing power of the early Christians.
Communication: An Essential Dimension of the Church
- Bishop Joseph A. Galante (Diocese of Camden) , speaking in Rome to the
Plenary Meeting of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, says
new technology must be embraced by Church, urges media to exercise freedom
Catholic Greetings: Free E-mail Catholic Christian Greeting Cards.
Holidays, Holydays, Saints, Celebrations, Sacraments, Marian and more.
American Museum of
Natural History: On Exhibit
- How
Products Are Made explains and details the manufacturing process of a
wide variety of products, from daily household items to complicated
electronic equipment and heavy machinery. The site provides step by step
descriptions of the assembly and the manufacturing process (complemented
with illustrations and diagrams) Each product also has related information
such as the background, how the item works, who invented the product, raw
materials that were used, product applications, by-products that are
generated, possible future developments, quality control procedures, etc.
March 23, 2006
- The Merck Manual Medical Library:
MedicineNet® is a network of U.S.
Board Certified Physicians and Allied Health Professionals. Include
diseases and conditions, symptoms and signs, procedures and tests,
medications, MedTerms dictionary.
March 17, 2006
ManyBooks.net: Free eBooks for your PDA (or iPod). Browse through the
most popular titles, recommendations, or recent reviews from our visitors.
Perhaps you'll find something interesting in the special collections. All
of the 13,215 eBooks available here are free!
March 16, 2006
Visible Proofs:
Forensic Views of the Body:
The history of forensic medicine struggles to develop scientific methods
that translate views of bodies and body parts into "visible proofs" that
can persuade judges, juries, and the public. Three online activities and
three lesson plans introduce forensic medicine, anthropology, technology,
and history. Designed specifically for students and educators, the lesson
plans provide educators with ready-made resources for the classroom and
the online activities promote active learning for students. Located on the
first floor of the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes
of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.
March 14, 2006
- The
Foundation for a Better Life: to encourage adherence to a set of
quality values through personal accountability and by raising the level of
expectations of performance of all individuals regardless of religion or
race. Through these efforts, the Foundation wants to remind individuals
they are accountable and empowered with the ability to take responsibility
for their lives and to promote a set of values that sees them through
their failures and capitalizes on their successes. An individual who takes
responsibility for his or her actions will take care of his or her family,
job, community, and country.
- The Random Acts of
Kindness™ Foundation inspires people to practice kindness and to "pass
it on" to others. We provide free educational and community ideas,
guidance, and other resources to kindness participants – including
educators, students, community members, faith groups, service clubs, and
- 2000 uses for WD-40
provided to WD-40 Company by end-users of the product. These do not
constitute recommendations or suggestions for use of WD-40 by WD-40
Company. These uses have not been tested by WD-40 Company. Consumers
should exercise common sense whenever using WD-40.
- GetHuman.com: "Our goal is to
improve the quality of customer service and phone support in the US."
Everyone at some point is frustrated with the automated telephone systems
in place in the corporate world. You'll find 'Tips' on finding toll-free
numbers and basic suggestions for avoiding the long waits that often times
occur with the automated switchboard menus.
- GetHuman 'Database': Here you'll
find actual instructions, company specific, for finding a 'real person.'
Currently there are 402 companies covered, but more are being adding as
users send in the necessary information.
March 13, 2006
March 9, 2006
March 8, 2006
Simply Recipes: Many of the
recipes are family recipes, and many of them are those gleaned from
cookbooks, magazines, and newspaper clippings collected over 30 years.
Also, favorite cooking and food blogs from around the world.
World Congress of Catholic Television Stations - October Oct. 10-12,
2006: Convoked by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications to
define "what it is to be Catholic on television" and to establish "a
Catholic television network that will serve as a vehicle for the
evangelizing movement."
- Drugs.com -
Drug Information Online: Prescription drug information for consumers &
professionals. The most popular, comprehensive and up-to-date drug
information resource online of over 24,000 approved medications.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) © 2002. Including
Adaptations for the Dioceses of the United States of America.
March 7, 2006
MedPage Today: medical
news service for physicians that links consumer medical news and the
professional medical analysis needed by clinicians. Offers reliable,
physician-reviewed Teaching Brief™ articles that not only include news
summaries, but also actionable information and perspective to better
understand the implications of the news and engage in an informed dialogue
about the latest medical breakthroughs.
- Children’s
Digestive Health and Nutrition Foundation’s (CDHNF) Celiac Disease:
comprehensive source of information and educational tools for people with
celiac disease, their families and the medical professionals that treat
March 6, 2006
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and
recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.
You can use Audacity to: record live audio, convert tapes and records into
digital recordings or CDs, edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV sound files, cut,
copy, splice, and mix sounds together, change the speed or pitch of a
recording, and more!
Use Windows Media Player 10 to rip (copy) songs from your CDs to your
March 3, 2006
"Character Above All"—An
Exploration of Presidential Leadership: Companion website to PBS's
"Character Above All" broadcast. Contains transcripts, Essays by
historians and political theorists on selected presidents, and selected
"Quotes" by former Presidents of the United States and others. Aired on
May 29, 1996, this site explains its uniqueness in the following manner:
"What started as a voice crying in the wilderness is now reaching a
growing audience who believe that the issue is character above all. And
it's an obligation conferred on us as citizens to focus on it." This site
can be the starting point for your research into presidential character!
- The Progress &
Freedom Foundation is a market-oriented think tank that studies the
digital revolution and its implications for public policy. Its mission is
to educate policymakers, opinion leaders and the public about issues
associated with technological change, based on a philosophy of limited
government, free markets and individual sovereignty.
LiveScience™ focuses on the innovative and intriguing in Science and
Technology, includes sections on Animal World, Human Biology, Forces of
nature, Environment, Technology, Science of Fiction, History and Other
News. With articles by respected science journalists and contributors,
LiveScience looks at new discoveries, intellectual adventures and the
idiosyncrasies of the world that surrounds us.
Land O’Lakes - St. Patrick's Day Supper: Create a St Patrick's Day
celebration with a traditional Irish supper of easy Corned Beef and
Cabbage and quick, currant-filled Soda Bread. Delicious Irish-themed
desserts like Irish Cream Cheesecake complete this festive meal.
March 1, 2006
February 28, 2006
- The
Internet Archive was founded to build an ‘Internet library,’ with the
purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and
scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. Now the
Internet Archive includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as
well as archived web pages in our collections.
- Tour of Italy
for the Financially Challenged lets you take a virtual tour of this
magnificent country for free. All you need to do is decide where you want
to go, and your tour will include impressive photographs and historical
information on each site you visit. Tour the Vatican, Pompeii, and Mount
Vesuvius, among many others. Enjoy Italy at its best!
Bluegrassbox is designed to spread the bluegrass
sound as far and wide as possible. Note: All of the material available for
download (including the streaming broadcasts) are of bands that allow the
recording and free distribution of their live performances.
Bluegrassbox Radio: 24 hour a day streaming
audio site playing live performances from the Etree archive of
"Demotivators": a series of two dozen soul-crushingly depressing
designs created by the folks at Despair Inc. So skip the delusions that
motivational products induce and face your disappointments head on…
February 27, 2006
February 21, 2006
Vatican Radio broadcasts events and activities
of the Pope and the Holy See. It also covers political, social and
economic affairs not only in the religious context, but also to help
Christians to see in them the signs of the times and to encourage them to
behave and take decisions in the light of their own faith.
- The
American Council on Exercise (ACE) is committed to enriching quality
of life through safe and effective physical activity.
February 20, 2006
Presidents of the United States: includes background information,
election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of
interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical
documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also
Home Improvement Library
- Bob Vila.com: Our article library is your source for reliable and
informative advice on home improvement, remodeling, and home finance
February 17, 2006
February 16, 2006
MSN - Autos: Detailed gas pricing
information by Zip Code. Every night MSN Autos receives pricing data from
over 90,000 gas stations across the nation. Please note that gas prices in
your area may change more frequently than we can obtain them.
Avenues To Success offers you an
opportunity to enroll your student in a unique service that e-mails a
daily motivational quotation specifically selected to help keep your
student focused on achieving his or her goals in life. Words of
encouragement every day helps students succeed along the way.
The Cell Phone Data Eraser gives you all the tools you need to remove
personal information like contact names and phone numbers from your cell
phone. To begin, simply: Select your phone manufacturer - Select your
phone model - Click the Download Instructions box - Follow the easy,
step-by-step instructions.
- Fix Your Own Printer:
laser and inkjet printers, manuals, reference guides, error codes,
drivers, parts.
February 15, 2006
February 14, 2006
February 13, 2006
Mysteries will help you get the answers to these and many other of
life's most interesting questions through scientific inquiry. Questions
are answered by research librarians from the Library of Congress’ (LOC)
Science Reference Services.
February 10, 2006
SIGNIS - the World Catholic Association for Communication
- brings together radio, television, cinema, video, media education,
Internet, and new technology professionals.
World War II
Military Situation Maps, 1944-1945 -
The Library of Congress: Contains 416 printed maps and covers June 6, 1944
to July 26, 1945. The maps show daily details on military campaigns in
western Europe. They can be browsed by date or place (Ardennes, Europe,
France (Normandy), or Germany).
February 9, 2006
- Copyright.gov: About Copyright
Basics, FAQ, Search Copyright Records, How to Register a Work, How to
Record a Document, Law & Policy
- U.S. Copyright
Office - Fair Use commentary (§107—§118 of the copyright act): The
distinction between "fair use" and infringement may be unclear and not
easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that
may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the
copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission. The
safest course is always to get permission from the copyright owner before
using copyrighted material. The Copyright Office cannot give this
permission. When it is impracticable to obtain permission, use of
copyrighted material should be avoided unless the doctrine of "fair use"
would clearly apply to the situation. The Copyright Office can neither
determine if a certain use may be considered "fair" nor advise on possible
copyright violations. If there is any doubt, it is advisable to consult an
- Copyright Law of the
United States of America
- §107.
Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
February 8, 2006
Saint Francis of Assisi: primary
& secondary sources, writing, biographies, visual arts, Web links.
IBM Post Error Codes: This
document is intended for trained service techs who are familiar with IBM
Personal Computer products. Use this document along with advanced
diagnostic tests to troubleshoot problems effectively.
Animated Knots by Grog: Some
experts distinguish between knots, hitches, and bends. If you are trying
to learn what I have presented here then you're probably perfectly happy
to call them all knots anyway. Become familiar with the essential knots
for boating, climbing, fishing, scouting, search & rescue and rope care.
February 7, 2006
American FactFinder - U.S. Census
Bureau: Your source for population, housing, economic, and geographic
Foxit Reader is a free
reader for PDF (Portable Document Format) documents. It replaces Adobe
Reader 7.0.5 and is super fast compared to Adobe, plus it allows
you to type on Adobe Documents. You can view and print PDF documents with
it. It is extremely easy to use, just double click it to start and then
click open button to open your PDF document. If you want to change the
page layout for printing, select "Print Setup" from "File" menu.
- Writing Guides and Resources:
- Landmark’s
Citation Machine: designed to assist teachers
in modeling the proper use of citing information property. Students are
welcome to use this as well. You merely…Click the type of resource you
wish to cite - Complete the Web form that appears with information from
your resource - Click "Make Citations" to generate standard MLA & APA
Citation Styles Handbook: MLA.
The Center for Writing Studies at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. Citing authors, books, periodicals, publication
information, Internet sources, in-text citation information and other
MLA Citation Style Guide: University of
Georgia Libraries - Resource Central. Based on the MLA Handbook for
Writers of Research Papers, 6th ed., 2003.
- A Guide for
Writing Research Papers based on MLA-style
provides instruction on basic research techniques, paper formatting, and
numerous examples.
- Online
Writing Lab - Purdue University
The Virtual Reference Desk -
George Mason University
The Walden Writing Center -
Walden University
- The
Writing Center - Harvard University
Writing Resources - Princeton
University Writing Center
February 6, 2006
Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials: Many legal scholars, politicians,
copyright owners and users and their lawyers agree that fair use is so
hard to understand that it fails to provide effective guidance for the use
of others' works today. But the fact is, we really must understand and
rely on it. We call our approach "Rules of Thumb" for the Fair Use of
Copyrighted Materials. Like the Guidelines from which they are in some
cases derived, the Rules of Thumb are tailored to different uses of
others' works. But unlike the Guidelines, they are short, concise, and
easy to read.
Sports: Breaking Records, Breaking Barriers portrays athletes from
more than a dozen sports. Highlighting artifacts from the Smithsonian's
sports collection, the exhibition spotlights the pioneering men and women
who dominated their sports; championed their country, race, or sex; and
helped others to achieve. Both on and off the playing field, these
undaunted individuals broke records for themselves and broke barriers for
us all.
February 3, 2006
The Four Chaplains of the USS Dorchester - February 3,
1943: George Fox, John Washington, Alexander
Goode, Charles Poling, the four Chaplains on board the USS Dorchester, two
Protestant pastors, a Catholic priest and a Jewish rabbi, took off their
own life jackets and placed them on waiting soldiers without regard to
faith or race They were last seen by witnesses standing arm-in-arm on the
hull of the ship, each praying in his own way for the care of the men.
Fast Facts: African-American History Month: February 2006
The Benjamin Franklin
Tercentenary: a private, non-profit alliance established to mark the
three-hundred-year anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s birth (1706-2006)
with a celebration dedicated to educating the public about Franklin’s
enduring legacy and inspiring renewed appreciation of the values he
Benjamin Franklin: In His Own Words. Benjamin Franklin is a
fascinating and immediately engaging individual, even three hundred years
after his birth in Boston. Drawing on their prodigious collections, the
Library of Congress has created this online collection designed to pay
homage to Franklin the printer, writer, inventor, scientist, and so on.
This collection allows visitors the ability to traipse through Franklin’s
substantial involvement in the Continental Congress, the Treaty of Paris,
as well as his own inventive spirit. Some of the documents include
Franklin’s own design for a stove, his 1775 plan for a colonial
confederation, and the founding charter for the American Philosophical
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
is one of the nation’s premier policy organizations working at the federal
and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and
moderate-income families and individuals. The Center also develops policy
options to alleviate poverty, particularly among working families.
Instructions to Authors in the
Health Sciences: These pages provide links to Web sites which provide
instructions to authors for over 3,500 journals in the health and life
sciences. All links are to 'primary sources'—that is, to publishers and
organizations with editorial responsibilities for the titles. From Mulford
Library Medical University of Ohio.
Institute of Politics (IOP) at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government
today announced that video footage of nearly thirty years of public
addresses and panel discussions held in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum is
now available on the IOP's website. The IOP, which manages the Forum
venue, has created the new online video archive featuring hundreds of
speeches given by some of the world's most prominent political speakers
from 1978 to the present. The archive also offers visitors use of a search
engine to fully explore its contents—making the expansive library's
material easy to access and use.
February 1, 2006
- SeatGuru.com:
ultimate source for airplane seating and in-flight services information.
Do you want a seat with extra legroom? Are you traveling for business and
need to know which airplanes have laptop power at your seat and what type
of adapter you'll need? Have a long flight and want to know what type of
in-flight entertainment is featured on your flight and what movies are
playing this month?
January 31, 2006
January 30, 2006
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774–2005: The
comprehensive 2,236 page directory provides the biographies of thousands
of Members of the Senate and House who have served from the first through
the 108th Congress. The most recent edition of the Biographical Directory
details the changing face of Congress and lists Members by their full
name, and for the first time nicknames or initials. Also listed are
territorial delegates, resident commissioners, and vice presidents."
Document is also known as House Document No. 108-222.
Copyright Law (title 17 of the US Code): Search and analyze the full
text of the Copyright Law of the United States of America & related laws
contained in Title 17 of the United States Code. Copyright is a form of
protection provided by the laws of the United States to the authors of
"original works of authorship," including literary, dramatic, musical,
artistic, and certain other intellectual works.
State of the Union
Addresses of the American Presidents: Search and analyze the full-text
of all State of the Union Addresses from 1790–2005.
January 27, 2006
- Stateline.org:
resource for those with a penchant for state government and various
developments that bear directly on all 50 states, which include education,
elections, homeland security, and transportation. Funded by The Pew
Charitable Trusts. Staff members have also created an online archive of
governors’ addresses from their respective states dating back to 2000.
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is responsible for
administering 23 international treaties that deal with various aspects of
intellectual property protection. For those who may be less familiar with
the nuances of this complex field, the "About" area is a good place to
start. Here users can learn about the nature of trademarks, industrial
designs, and emerging issues in intellectual property. After consulting
this part of the site, users may wish to continue on to the "News &
Information Resources" area, which contains access to the WIPO Magazine,
and the Intellectual Property Digital Library.
January 26, 2006
January 25, 2006
Deus Caritas Est (God is Love) - Pope Benedict XVI's first
Encyclical: "The word 'love,' is so overused today that one is almost
afraid to pronounce it. Yet,…it is the expression of a primordial
reality,…and we must retrieve it,…so that it may illuminate our
lives.…Thus, in this Encyclical, the themes of God, Christ and Love are
fused together as a central guide to the Christian faith."
(PDF file of the
January 24, 2006
- At Web English
Teacher educators can take advantage of online technology to share
ideas and to benefit from the work of others. Beginning teachers can find
guidance; experienced teachers can find inspiration. Think of it as the
faculty library and faculty workroom on a global scale.
- Labor Law Talk:
Employment Law, Personal Injury Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business Law,
Copyrights Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, Real Estate
Law, Tax Law, Traffic Law.
Enspicelopedia: Encyclopedia of spices from McCormick. A must for your
"virtual cookbook" shelf.
Memorial Day Recipes
- Barna Films.com is
striving to be the #1 choice for church media, by creating new and
innovative ways to make searching for footage as easy and as fast as
buying it. We have also set ourselves apart by bringing you high quality
clips, backed with our unbeatable customer service.
- GoodSearch
is an Internet
search engine (powered by Yahoo) with a simple concept and unique social
mission. It's simple. You use GoodSearch.com like any other search engine,
but each time you do, money is generated to help fund any of hundreds of
thousands of charities or schools through the simple act of searching the
ActionBioscience.org: provides articles by scientists, science
educators and students on issues related to seven primary areas, including
genomics, biotechnology, evolution, and biodiversity. All of the pieces on
the site go through a peer-review process and are written with a keen eye
towards providing information in a way that is largely jargon-free and
highly accessible.
January 23, 2006
- DriveSavers Data
Recovery: Rescue lost data from hard drives and other media that
have experienced everything from common drive failure, corruption,
viruses, or accidental deletion, to damage from power surges, flood, smoke
or fire.
- Touchstone
is a Christian journal, conservative in doctrine and eclectic in content,
with editors and readers from each of the three great divisions of
Christendom—Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox. The mission is to provide
a place where Christians of various backgrounds can speak with one another
on the basis of shared belief in the fundamental doctrines of the faith as
revealed in Holy Scripture and summarized in the ancient creeds of the
- Lincoln/Net –
Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project: Northern Illinois
University presents historical materials from Abraham Lincoln's Illinois
years (1830-1861), including his writings and speeches, campaign songs as
well as other materials illuminating antebellum Illinois. This site has
just about everything needed to introduce this beloved sixteenth president
of the United States to twenty-first century scholars.
January 20, 2006
The National
Academic Advising Association (NACADA): promotes and supports quality
academic advising in institutions of higher education to enhance the
educational development of students. NACADA provides a forum for
discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas pertaining to academic
advising through numerous activities and publications.
- HealthTouch Online
for Better Health: A resource that brings together valuable
information from trusted sources on topics such as medications, health,
diseases, supplements and natural medicine, including a Feature—The
Diabetes Place.
- The Healthy Refrigerator:
Learn how to eat healthier and also how to control your cholesterol levels.
"As cholesterol levels increase, most people are unaware that heart
disease begins in childhood. This site is dedicated to providing
heart-healthy tips for the entire family." There are tips on nutrition, on
how to stock your 'healthy refrigerator,' facts about heart disease and a
'Just for Kids!' section.
January 18, 2006
- ABYZ News Links:
a portal to online news sources from around the world but also includes
many broadcast stations, internet services, magazines, and press agencies.
Please note that ABYZ News Links does not contain actual news content but
only links to other news sources.
- Windows Marketplace
lists thousands of hardware and software items compatible with one or more
of the following versions of Microsoft® Windows® operating system:
Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows ME,
Microsoft Windows 98.
Drivers: Printer Drivers, Display & Video Drivers, BIOS & System
Updates, Sound & Multimedia Drivers, CD-ROM Drivers, Network Drivers.
- The Driver Guide was created
to make finding driver updates a whole lot easier. With the help of
thousands of our members, we have compiled a massive database archive of
drivers and resources that is by far the largest and most comprehensive on
the Web.
January 17, 2006
The National
Silent No More Awareness Campaign is an effort to make the public
aware of the devastation abortion brings to women, men, and their
families. The emotional and physical pain of abortion will no longer be
shrouded in secrecy and silence, but rather exposed and healed.
- GameTheory.net:
provides resource materials to educators and students of game theory,
including the application of game theory to economics, business, political
science, computer science, and other disciplines.
Office of Postsecondary Education: a division of the Department of
Education. The OPE is responsible for formulating federal policy for
postsecondary education, and also serves as a clearinghouse of information
on their own programs and the overall state of postsecondary education in
the United States. Visitors will want to begin their investigation on the
site at the "What's New" area.
January 16, 2006
January 13, 2006
The King Center: the
official, living memorial dedicated to the advancement of the legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., leader of America’s greatest nonviolent
movement for justice, equality and peace.
Commentaries on Martin Luther King, Jr. by Michael Josephson
- The Public Library
of Science (PLoS) is a nonprofit organization of scientists and
physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical
literature a public resource. Open the doors to the world's library of
scientific knowledge by giving any scientist, physician, patient, or
student—anywhere in the world—unlimited access to the latest scientific
- The Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA): to promote the science and art of medicine
and the betterment of the public health.
Rochambeau Map Collection contains cartographic items used by
Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau (1725-1807), when he
was commander in chief of the French expeditionary army (1780-82) during
the American Revolution. The maps were from Rochambeau's personal
collection, cover much of eastern North America, and date from 1717 to
January 12, 2006
January 11, 2006
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18-25): resources from
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
The War That Made America:
(Wednesdays January 18 & 25 at 9pm) History comes to life in a dramatic
four-hour PBS special produced by WQED Multimedia. The dramatic
documentary tells the story of the French and Indian War (1754-1763),
which began in the wilderness of the Pennsylvania frontier and spread
throughout the colonies, into Canada, and ultimately around the world.
(click on Broadcast Schedule for local PBS station and time)
Adobe Photoshop tutorials:
step-by-step animated Viewlets
January 10, 2005
- Email Etiquette:
This site explains how to send effective email replies. It discusses why
email etiquette is necessary, lists email etiquette rules, and explains
how to enforce these rules by creating a company email policy.
- Learn Marketing:
offers a variety of resources designed to provide education in the field
of marketing - including PowerPoints, clipart, lectures, quizzes,
glossaries and more. It includes information on marketing mix, research
and segmentation. Marketing information is directed both at domestic and
international fields.
- eHow.com: search engine
designed to find instructions how to do things. The site is intended to be
the world's largest how-to book where you can find help and leave your own
guides to help others. You can also subscribe to the site to receive the
daily how-to via your e-mail.
- SoundEdit Pro:
a full-featured digital audio editing software that offers a variety of
audio recording, mixing, editing, analyzing and effects processing
- VIRTUS® Online -
The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. VIRTUS is the brand name
that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent
wrongdoing and promote "rightdoing" within religious organizations. The
VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk
and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.
January 9, 2006
ICE – acronym for In Case of Emergency: enter emergency contact name
and number into your cell phone contact list, i.e., ICE-Dr. Jones.
brand fabric softener sheets are effective for a variety of household
uses. Check this site to learn which claims for Bounce work and which do
- BOUNCE has its
own website with Fresh Ideas for uses.
Traffic and Road Closure Information: Developed by the U.S. Department
of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. A clickable map you can
use to get to information for the state of your choice, or use the text
listing beneath it. Keep scrolling for links to sites with national
information on traffic conditions, weather and road conditions, and
regional information. At the very bottom is a link that will take you to a
page with direct links to all 50 state transportation departments.
Google Librarian Newsletter: Librarians and Google share a mission: to
organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and
useful. We support librarians like yourself who work each day to further
that mission. This page is a first step toward improving and expanding
that support.
January 6, 2006
- The Confraternity of
Penitents: Brothers and Sisters of Penance live according to St.
Francis of Assisi’s 1221 Rule of Life in their own homes.
- Electronic Literature
Organization (ELO): to promote and facilitate the writing, publishing,
and reading of electronic literature. Since its formation, ELO has worked
to assist writers and publishers in bringing their literary works to a
wider, global readership and to provide them with the infrastructure
necessary to reach one another.
Divining America: Religion and the National Culture (National
Humanities Center): designed to help teachers of American history bring
their students to a greater understanding of the role religion has played
in the development of the United States. It is based on the fact that
American history and religion intersect importantly at various points -
the Puritan migration to New England, for example, abolition, or the Civil
Rights Movement. Divining America will illuminate these intersections, for
to understand such events fully, students must acquire some appreciation
of their religious dimensions.
- The Pew Forum on Religion &
Public Life: seeks to promote a deeper understanding of issues at the
intersection of religion and public affairs. The Forum pursues its mission
by delivering timely, impartial information to national opinion leaders,
including government officials and journalists. As a nonpartisan,
non-advocacy organization, the Forum does not take positions on policy
Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
(PBS): Complements the program's weekly
broadcast and a companion Viewers Guide. The Web site features individual
show transcripts, an audio archive of past programs, full transcripts of
interviews with notable guests, related articles dealing with significant
issues in religion and ethics news, a list of related resources and an
online pressroom featuring downloadable versions of the program press kit
and quarterly newsletter as well as detailed summaries of individual
Religion Index: a tool for students with little time. It analyzes &
highlights important content of religion-related websites to speed
research. Hyperlinks are provided not only to homepages but to major
directories & documents within.
Center Guide to Internet Resources for Teaching and Learning in Theology
and Religion: A selective, annotated guide to a wide variety of
electronic resources of interest to those who are involved in the study
and practice of religion: syllabi, electronic texts, electronic journals,
web sites, bibliographies, liturgies, reference resources, software, etc.
The purpose of the Guide is to encourage and facilitate the incorporation
of electronic resources into teaching.
January 5, 2006
January 3, 2006
- Resources for Economists on the
Internet: a categorized list of resources relevant to economists.
- New Jersey
HealthLink: a new service from the state of New Jersey offering
consumer-level health information.
Alzheimer's Caregiver Support online
- Epicurious: Latest
- Ohio Barns:
old, unique, and
unusual barns in Ohio
Artistic Tanks - (Oil - Propane - Water)
- Other Sites:
Strange Buildings, Castles, Gas Stations, Larger Than Life, Light Houses,
Miscellaneous, Murals, Old Mills, Patriotic, Signs, Tree Trunk Carvings,
Water Towers
- Science Direct: world's
largest electronic collection of science, technology and medicine full
text and bibliographic information.
- Artcyclopedia: compiled a
comprehensive index of every artist represented at hundreds of museum
sites, image archives, and other online resources.
- MAC Pharma Network:
Free information and affordable products for all your health and wellness