Human Development,
Vol. 8, # 3, p. 4
"All of us who are concerned about the complete
development and well-being of others, and about the future of the
society and world in which we live, can do more than just lament the
flaws in character formation that we see so commonly manifest these
days. We can commit ourselves to seizing every possible opportunity to
strengthen, by our deliberate choices, our own sense of moral integrity,
and we can influence constructively the growth of others, not only by
our example but by encouraging, challenging, praising, and rewarding
them, until the habits or virtues associated with moral maturity are
firmly rooted in the depths of their being.
"The current, all-too-apparent shortage of
integrity gives us a chance to do something priceless for those in our
care and for the nation and the world we love. If we don’t act to
improve the situation, who will? It’s a developmental endeavor that
God is hardly going to refrain from supporting with the kind of needed
assistance that only God can give."