February 26, 2025
Recent new pages:

"7 Ways to Communicate Better"
Michael Josephson
8 Ethical Values as Hallmarks of
a Virtuous Organization
Guidelines to Consider" Charles Hendrickson Brower
"10 Commandments of
Cell Phone Etiquette"
Dan Briody
"10 Ways to Be a Great Teammate" Jon Gordon & Dr. Lauren Gallagher
"The Ten Commandments of Success"
Charles M. Schwab
10 Ways to Have a Better Day
10 Pathways to Positive Speech
"Top Ten Ways To Support
Someone In Being Their Best"
Michael Angier
"11 Thoughts About Teamwork" Jon Gordon
12 Elements That Make Great
Service Possible
"30 Qualities for Success"
Zig Ziglar
Afraid to Speak Up? Battling Public
Speaking Jitters
"Ambition Takes You Far"
Rabbi Zelig
Attentive Listening
"Attitude is Everything"
Jim Rohn
“Basic Rules for
Making Good Decisions” Zig Ziglar
"Be Enterprising"
Jim Rohn
"The Big Rocks of Life"
Dr. Stephen R. Covey
"Bring Talent to the Team"
"Change Begins with Choice"
Jim Rohn
"Checking the Day"
Edgar Guest
Constructive Thinking:
Your Elevator to Success
"Criticism is a Sharp Instrument"
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski
"Custodians & Professors"
Louis Schmier
“Differences Between Managers and
Leaders” Warren Bennis
Don't Argue –
"Don't Let Conflict Keep You from Success"
Chris Widener
"Don't Send Your Ducks to
Eagle School" Jim Rohn
"Enterprise is Better than
Ease" Jim Rohn
"Foundations of Mission Operations"
Gene Franz
"Formula for Successful
Customer Service Has Been Discovered" (PDF)
"How to Communicate
Like a Pro" Nido Qubein
"How To Write Effectively"
Hundreth Monkey" Ken Keyes, Jr.
"I Will Get Ready and Then, Perhaps, My Chance Will Come" John
Ideal Employer: A - Z" Michael Josephson
"Intelligent Ignorance" William Arthur Ward
Labor that Works
Miracles Jim Rohn
"Learn by
Listening" John Wooden
"Listening Learning and
Leading" Mark Gorkin
"The Need for Moral Literacy"
Michael Josephson
"Practice Kaizen"
Price Pritchett (PDF)
"Prayer for Computer Users" Most Reverend Richard J. Sklba
"Potential for High
Achievement" Denis Waitley
Procrastination's 12 Signals
Professional Ethics
Gen. C.C. Krulak, USMC (Ret.)
R2~A2 Formula for Success
Napoleon Hill
"Reaping a Multiple
Reward" Jim Rohn
"Reflections--A Top Ten List of Year-End Questions"
Michael E. Angier
Resolve Most Disputes
"Roadblocks to Growth"
Shelia Murphy, Ph.D.
The Secretary's Prayer
"Secrets of Success"
Chris Widener
"Servant Leadership" Ken Blanchard
"The Seven C's of Success"
Brian Tracy
"The Seven C's of Success"
Chris Widener
Seven Rules for Gaffe-Free E-Mails
"Show Up and Do the Work" Jon Gordon
Six Ways to Make People Like You
Dale Carnegie
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Jim Rohn
"To Be Successful—Have a Mentor"
Dr. Shelia Murray Bethel
The Ten Commandments of E-Mail
"The Ten Cannots"
Rev. William J. H.
Time Management
Jim Rohn
"Top 10 Traits of Highly Successful
People" Philip Humbert
"What the Fundamentals Produce"
Deacon "Easy Ed" Macauley
"Want To Be Taken Seriously? Become a Better Writer"
Dave Kerpen
The Workplace: "Dilbert"-style
"You Are at the Top When…"
Zig Ziglar
You Can Tell a Texan But You Can't Tell Him
"3 Keys to Overcoming the Spotlight Effect"
"The Four Agreements" Don Miguel Ruiz
"Four Characteristics Usually Found in Those Who Impact Our Lives"
Charles Swindoll
"5 Things Stopping You From Moving Forward" Angel and Mark Chernoff
"5 Things to Do Instead of Complain" Jon Gordon
"5 Ways to Make Today Great" Jon Gordon
"6 Behaviors That Increase
Self-Esteem" Dr. Denis Waitley
7 Cardinal Rules In Life Everyone Should Know About
"7 Keys for Joyful
Living" Chris Widener
"9 Things Happy People Do to Stress Less"
Angel Chernoff
"10 Common Traits that Kill Happiness"
Dennis Gaskill
Thomas Jefferson’s 10 Rules of Life
10 Ways to Build Resilience
American Psychological Assoc.
- "11 Traits of the Best of the
Best", John Gordon
- "18 Random Rules of Life"
Michael Josephson
24 Things to Remember
"26 Quick Tips
for Living and Inspire Life" Carol James
- Acts of
- Ancient Thoughts
"Are You Really Going To Talk To Yourself That Way?"
- "Attainment of Success & Happiness"
Jim Rohn
"Autograph Your Career and Your Life
with Excellence"
Dr. Denis Waitley
"Avoid Words That May Be Injurious" Rabbi
Abraham J. Twerski
"Be at
Peace" St. Francis de Sales
"The Beginning of a New Day!" adapted from Dr. W. Heartsill
"Being Self-Reliant"
Dr. Denis Waitley
Believe In Yourself
- The "Best" Test
Chris Widener
"Challenges to Pursue"
Jim Rohn
"Change Your Life by Changing Your Habits"
Dr. Denis Waitley
"The Choice" Og
“The Choice of Gratitude” Henri Nouwen
Life" Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
"A Clean Slate"
Steven West
"The Coffee or
the Cup" Steve Gilbert
- Commitment to Change
"A Commitment to Excellence"
Mario Andretti
- "Consult Not Your Fears..."
Pope John
"Count Your Blessings and Begin to Change Your Life"
Rabbi Jonathan
The Courage to Dare
"Courage is
Necessary" Rollo May
"CREDO: Make Space in Your Life for the Things That Matter"
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Diligence: the Virtue that Overcomes the Sin of Sloth
"Don't Miss the Chance"
Michael Josephson
- "Equipment"
Edgar Guest
"The Eye Sees and the Heart Desires"
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski
- "Facing The Enemies Within"
"Failure and the Second Half of Life" Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI
- Faith In Myself
Find Somebody You Can Help Wooden's Wednesday Wisdom
"Find Somebody to Help."#2 Coach John Wooden
- "Finish Every Day"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Forgive Yourself" Cleo Wade
"Forgiveness: We Have a Choice" Christophers News Notes
- "The Four Emotions That Can Lead to Life
Change" Jim Rohn
Words that Make Life Worthwhile"
Jim Rohn
Framework for Building Community
"The Gift of Thoughtfulness"
Moral Societies" Georgia Anne Geyer
"Guidelines to be Self-Reliant Adults"
Jim Rohn
- "The Guy In The Glass"
Peter "Dale" Wimbrow
"Happy People"
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
"Have You Ever Lost Your Motivation?" A. Chrenoff
"How to Change Your Habits"
Sir John Hargrave
"How to Focus and Concentrate Better" James Cleary
I Am Thankful I Am Not What I Used to Be John Wooden
- "I Believe"
Brian Tracy
- It's Up to You
- I Want to Die Living
Jim Rohn: How to Have Your Best Year Ever! Seminar | Full Transcript
(click on the chapter title for the full text)
- "Keys to Finding Your Genius"
Jim Rohn
Learn How To Put Failure
"Learn to
Be Happy" Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
"Leaving a Legacy-Principles
to Live By" Jim Rohn
Letting Go
"Life's 10 Principles of Success"
Dennis Gaskill
"You Must Listen to Others If You Want Others to Listen to You"
Craig Impelman
"Living Life in the Present and in the
Moment" Denis Waitley
"The Longer You Hold It, the Heavier it Gets" Steve Gilbert
"Look For The Notetakers" Mike Deegan
"Make Better Choices Beginning Today"
Jim Rohn
- "My Creed"
Edgar Guest
- My Rule of Life
"On Procrastination"
Jim Rohn
"On the Uncommon Man"
President Herbert Hoover
- "Our Deepest Fear"
Marianne Williamson
- Outstanding Volunteer
"The Paradoxical Commandments"
Kent M. Keith
- "Pessimist vs. Optimist"
Arthur Ward
“Plumbers and Philosophers”
Louis Schmier
- Post-Modern Proverbs
The Power of Choice
The Power of
Choice #2
"Power to Influence: Encouragement — the Key to Caring"
by Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, TOR
Principles of Tenacity"
Chris Widener
“The Price of Health and Happiness”,
Fr. James Gill, SJ
- Reflect, Risk Leave a Legacy
"The Responsibility Poem" Charles Osgood
- Rise Above Criticism
"The Roadmap to Happiness"
Coach Frank DiCocco
"The Three Sieves"
"Satisfy Your Expectations, Not Those of Others"
John Wooden (PDF)
- Savvy Sense
- "The Seasons of Life - Part 1"
Jim Rohn
- "The Seasons of Life - Spring"
- Second Coming Compliant--A Readiness Survey
- "Sermons We See"
"Team - Spirit"
Swen Eric Nater
- "The Set of the Sail"
Jim Rohn
"Seven Signs of Wisdom"
Dennis Gaskill
"Simply Neglect"
Jim Rohn
- "Sing…Dance…Climb…"
William Arthur Ward
"The Smallest Good Deed is Better than the Best Intention"
John Wooden
"Springtimes of Life"
Jim Rohn
- Statistics on Success
- Stress Management
- Ten Commandments for a Long and Peaceful
"That Burning Desire"
Arnold Palmer (PDF)
- That Great Purpose
"That's Outside My Boat"
Steve Gilbert
- A Thinking Person
"Thought to Guide My Actions"
Steve Gilbert (PDF)
"Three Rules for Turning Stress into Success" Dr. Denis Waitley
- "The Time to Act"
Jim Rohn
- This Is To Be My Symphony
"Time Offers Opportunity"
Jim Rohn
"Tomorrow is a New Day!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"To Risk"
Arthur Ward
- "The Two Choices We Face"
Jim Rohn
- Villanova Commencement Address, Class of 1999
"Value Each Moment"
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski
"The Virtue of Discernment"
Confraternity of Penitents
- "Walking a New Road" Jim Rohn
- Warrior's Song
- What Have We Done Today?
"What Makes It All Worthwhile?"
Coach Frank DiCocco
"What the Olympics Can Teach You About Achieving Your Dreams"
- What Will Matter?"
Michael Josephson
The Way We Look at Life!
- When Are You Too Old?
- "Wherever You Are, Be There"
Jim Rohn
"While Others Are…"
William Arthur Ward
"Who Sets Your Standards?"
Steve Goodier
"The Winner's Circle"
- "Why Not You!"
Jerry Clark
"Why Not You" Steve Maraboli
Wise Words - Proverbs 25:11 Roger Lipe
"You Become What You Think About"
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (PDF)
"You are Capable of Better" Epictetus
Are Worth It
You Are Worthy!
- You Decide
"Your Dead-Level
Best" Dr. Bill Denton
- Your Destiny
"Your Life's Task"
Steve Gilbert
EDGAR A. GUEST Poems: (Top)
YEAR's: (Top)
LENT: (Top)
Advent & Christmas
Resources for Reflection:
prayers, poems, Advent Calendars, readings & sermon

Advent & Christmas quotations: an extensive collection of
inspirational poems, reflections, stories and sermon illustrations.
The Gift of
Christmas: The First Christmas, Teach the Children, Christmas
Reflections, Christmas Quotes, Carols/Lyrics, Christmas Traditions.
1 Corinthians 13 - A
Christmas Version
Sharon Jaynes
8 Gifts That
Don't Cost a Cent
25 Ways We're Different This Christmas
-- 2001
"Teach the Children the Meaning of Christmas"
"At Christmas" Edgar
Miracle — St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Legend of the Poinsettia
"Origins of the Christmas Crib"
Lesson of the Incarnation
"Tears of a Mother" Judy R. Smith
"Painting the Bread"
Hannah Brencher
Prayers for the Holiday Seasons via Christianity[.]com
Five Lessons of the Magi
Bishop Robert Barron
HUMOR: (Top)
"10 Commandments for the Internet Age"
Archbishop Eamon Martin
"12 Happiness Activities" Steve Gilbert,
Win Your Day!
The 23rd Psalm for Busy
- 7 Key Elements of Lay Spirituality
Jeannie Knott
- Acts of
- "Aim at Ever Greater Heights"
Pope John XXIII
- "All I Ask"
Anchor for the Soul" John Eldredge
"An Interview with God" source unknown
- "The Awakening"
- Be Thankful
"The Beatitudes Perfects the Commandments"
Pope Francis
- "Brighten Your Corner"
Steiner Rice
"Count That Day" George Eliot
Bible Reading Method
- The Daily Decalogue of Pope John XXIII
"A Daily Dozen"
Alastair Mac Odrum
- Dancing With God
- Dear Bertha . . .
"Desiderata" Max Ehrmann
- "The Difference"
Grace L. Naessens
"The Eight Beatitudes of the Politician"
Cardinal Van Thuân
"Encourage On Another"
1 Thess. 5:11,
13, 15-18
- "Footprints"
"Fulfilling Your Mission" The Christophers
- "God Speak to Me"
- Golden Rules for Living
- Guidelines
Guiding Principles for Living
- "Hope"
The Christophers
- How True . . .
- I Am More
William Arthur Ward
- "Indispensable Man"
Saxon White
- "In Remembrance of September 11,
2001" homily by Fr. Brian, TOR
"Intention: Praying with Kavanah"
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- An Interview With God
"It's Up to
You" Fr. James Keller MM
- "I Will Trust You Always"
Thomas Merton
- Jack London's "Credo"
- Just P.U.S.H.!
- Leisure Time and Reflection
- Life Is Not A Race
- "Lord Give Us . . ."
Robert Louis
Lord, Prop Us Up…
"May You Have Enough"
Master's Hand" Dorothy M. Barter-Snow
"The Meaning of
Sloth" Peter John Cameron, OP
- Ministry vs. Job?
- "Music is a Fair and Glorious Gift of God"
Martin Luther
"Never Let the Fire in Your Heart Go Out"
Rm. 12:11-18
"Nine Requisites for Contented Living"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Nine Secrets to Discovering Your Call"
Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR
- One Minute at a Time
Rewards" Gerald Boyer
- Psalm 23 –
A Psalm of Life Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"Practicing Fidelity" Christophers News Notes
- "A Preacher Is…"
William Arthur Ward
- Power of One: Commemorating September 11,
- Remember 9/11 Prayer: Nat'l Moment of Remembrance
for 9/11
- Repentance: Start practicing what you believe in.
- Rules from God
Sailor's Paraphrase of
the 23rd Psalm
Saint Teresa of Calcutta: Canonization on September 4, 2016
- Slow Dance
- "Some Definite Service"
Henry Cardinal Newman
"A Spring Reflection"
Suzanne M. Kearney, CSJ
"Symphony of Similitudes"
John R. Brokhoff
Take Time: An Old English Prayer
"There’s A Lot of Good In You!" Fr. James Keller, M.M.
- "Thoughts in Solitude…"
- Thoughts To Live By
"Thoughts - Words - Deeds"
St. Gregory of Nyssa
- Today's Inspiration
"To Radiate Life: A Prayer"
Elbert Hubbard
Treat Yourself With Respect
- Very Important People Quiz
- "What If…"
Jerry "DRhino" Clark
What You Sow,
You Will Reap!
"What’s It Like to Be Old" Author Unknown
"We Are Wonderfully Made" Mary DeTurris
- Who Rekindles Your Light?
"A Word
at the Right Time" Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski
"Why I Believe in Immortality"
Wernher Von Braun
"The Giving of Ourselves" Coach John Wooden
"Your Attribute of Compassion" Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
“A Complete Guide to Irish Blessings” (Claddagh Designs): Irish
blessings for weddings, travel, Breastplate of St. Patrick, homes,
friendship, good luck and long life.
Irish Blessings, Prayers, Proverbs, Toasts and Poems
- About the Irish
- "And in the Beginning, God Created Ireland"
- "The Breastplate of St. Patrick"
- Celtic Spirituality: "The Extraordinary in The
The Claddagh -
Love, Friendship,
- An Irish Blessing
- An Irish Blessing, # 2
- An Irish Blessing, # 3
- An Irish Blessing # 4
- An Irish Blessing # 5
- Irish Wedding Blessing
- "May God Protect You"
Traditional Irish House Blessing
- What Being Irish Means
PRAYERS (assorted): (Top)
Retirement Messages: Includes quotes, prayers, Bile verses and best
wishes sentiments for teachers, friends, boss, military, and more.
Retirement Message Ideas: "If you’re having a difficult time finding
the words for a meaningful, heartfelt or funny retirement message to go
in your retirement card then you’ve come to the right place!"
"Don't Look Back"
John Wooden
Sport: School of Virtue - A Field of Christian Mission
"A Christian Perspective on Sport"
Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, TOR.
St. John Paul II said, "Sportsmanship, as an ideal, is all about
character. It’s about humility, honesty, loyalty, respect and
generosity. It is not a quest for perfection but, like a faith journey,
sportsmanship is a quest for virtue."(PDF)
“A Christian Perspective on Sport”: extensive resources on
a Christian perspective of sport.
"Top 10 Team Building Ideas" John Gordon
"Anxiety & Competition" Roger Lipe
- An Athlete's Prayer
Athlete's Prayer Thomas Wurtz
"Are You a Real Team? Jon Gordon
“Attitude” by Roger D.
Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, TOR
- "Beloved Young Athletes…"
John Paul II
"The Best of All the Coaches…"
Dr. Denis Waitley
- "Bring Talent to the Team"
- "The Champion Within"
Denis Waitley
"Clarity is a Virtue"
Joe Ehrmann
"The Coach for Our Lives: Role of the Holy Spirit"
Brian Cavanaugh, TOR
"The Coach's Prayer"
Dan Britton
"Coaches' Code of Conduct"
Joe Ehrmann
- A Coach's Prayer
- Coach Wooden's Expectations
- "Coaching for Character"
Michael Josephson
"Cooperative Competition"
Joe Ehrmann
"Competition" Harold Myra
"Discipline & Knowledge - Proverbs 23:12"
Roger Lipes
"Discipline Is Necessary for Good Leadership"
Coach John Wooden
"Fore!" - Prayer Before a Golf Tournament
- Golf Meditations
- A Golfing Parody
- Golfer's Prayer
Tournament Prayer
"In the Battle . . ."
Knute Rockne
- The Lay of the Troubled Golfer
Learning from Observation and Study
- "Lessons From the Racquetball Court"
Steve Goodier
Love the Game
"Magnify Your Blessings" Coach John Wooden
"Olympic Dream" Kellie Rankin
"An Open Letter to the College Athlete in 2020" Kailyn Stone
On Our Team…
adapted from 1 Thessalonians 5:11, 13, 15-18
Patience is a Discipline
Lou Judd
Pittsburgh Steelers Prayer
"Players' Code of Conduct"
Joe Ehrmann
Prayer for
Athletes "Day By Day: the Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students"
- Prayer for the Game of Life
Richard Cardinal Cushing
- "Prepare to Win"
Bobby Knight
Press On Toward The Goal - Philippians 3:13
Promote Moral Values of Sports
Pope John Paul
"Proverbs 13:4 - Lazy of Diligent?"
Roger Lipe
- Pursuit of Excellence
Coach Vince
Role of a Sport Team Chaplain
Rugby Team
Prayer - Franciscan University
- Rules of Competition
- "A Seven-Point Creed"
John Wooden
"Sports Chaplain/Character Coach's Development Plan"
Roger Lipe
Sport at the Service of Humanity (Vatican)
"Sport: School of Virtue"
Pope John Paul
"Sports Clichés to Avoid Using"
Roger Lipe
- "Team Prayer"
Coach Lou Holtz
- "Team Prayer"
Brian Cavanaugh, TOR
- Ten Commandments of Sports for Parents
- "The Value of Athletic Competition"
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
- "The
Victor" C.W. Longenecker
- Victorious!
Coach Vince
Virtue of Sport - St. John Paul II
"What Makes A Team Strong?"
Kay Kuzma (PDF)
- The Will to Prepare to Win
- "What the Fundamentals
Produce" Deacon "Easy Ed" Macauley
- "The Winner's Circle"
"What Do Sports and Prayer Have in Common?"
Charles Bouvier
Wooden Wednesday: Try to Help Others Every Day
Wooden's Wednesday Wisdom!, Volume 4 Issue 175
- "Why
Coach?" William Allen Dromgoole
"A Winner's Blueprint for Achievement"
William Arthur Ward
- "Work at Your Game"
Deacon "Easy Ed"
- "Yesterday"
Edgar A. Guest