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Topical Index

Church Documents & Scholarly Resources: Church History, Papal Issues | Artificial Intelligence | Bioethics & Life Issues, Health Care Reform | Bible Study | Catechism/Canon Law/Encyclopedia & Dictionaries | Catechetics-New Evangelization | Ecumenism | Education | Catholic Social Teaching | Faithful Citizenship/Political Responsibility  | Vocation of the Laity | Franciscan Resources | Saints, Year of St. Joseph, Marian | Seasonal & Holiday (Advent/Christmas, LENT - Holy Week - Easter) | Sacr. of Reconciliation / Repent & Conversion | Family & Marriage | Prayer, Lectio Divina, Inspiration | Spiritual Direction | Virtues and Virtuous Living | Catecheses on Discernment | Catecheses on Spiritual Striving | Discerning God's Will |  Scrupulosity, Negative Self-Talk | Homiletics & Sermon Resources | Sermon Illustrations/Stories | Ministry Resources | Church & Sport | Youth, Teens, Young Adults | Men's Ministry, Pornography: Pastoral Response, Internet Accountability & Parental Control | Priests/Clergy, Permanent Diaconate | Liturgy & Music, Liturgical Resources | Vocations, Religious Orders & Lay Apostolates | Pilgrimages & Retreats | Church News| Ecumenism/Interreligious Dialogue | Faith@Work | Catholic Internet Resources & Blogs | Church & Religious Goods & Books | Journals & E-Zines

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Live at FUSArchive of Daily Masses and Holy Hours from Franciscan University of Steubenville (Franciscan University YouTube Channel).

        New icon updated: 03/01/2025
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  • Your Lenten Guide: Lenten Resources & Links
  • Online Catholic Reference Resources (CatholicCulture). Includes encyclicals and other Church documents, papal audiences, writings of the Church Fathers, works of contemporary Catholic scholarship; summaries of key Catholic teachings; Fr. John Hardon’s Modern Catholic Dictionary, Catechism of the Catholic Church; complete set of documents from the Fathers of the Church; Father William Most Collection.

Church Documents & Scholarly Resources:               Index

Church History:               Index

Papal Issues:               Index

Jubilee Year:               Index

  • Guide to 2025 Jubilee Year Plenary Indulgence Opportunities (SimplyCatholic).
  • Jubilee Year of MercyMerciful like the Father: Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization. Pope Francis proclaimed, "This Holy Year of Mercy will commence on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2015, and will conclude on Sunday, 20 November 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and living face of the Father's mercy." Check out this official web site for news, information, calendar of events and prayers.
  • Jubilee Year of Mercy resources (USCCB): Explore the different ways that you can live out that mercy every day!
  • The Year of Mercy blog - Franciscan University of Steubenville.
  • Featuring articles, homilies, messages and pastoral resources for celebrating the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.
  • Year of Mercy Resources – The Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions: Includes Introduction to Year of Mercy, Holy Door, Liturgy Preparation Aid for the Seasons of Advent and Christmas, Official Rites for the Opening of the Holy Door and the Closing of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Advent/Christmas Prep Aid.
  • 56 Ways to Be Merciful During the Jubilee Year of Mercy (ALETEIA): Practicing mercy in our lives actually does take practice. "Try randomly selecting one each week and putting it into practice. (We gave you two extra; mix them up!)"
  • "Living the Year of Mercy" by Emily Stimpson, OSV Newsweekly, 12/2/2015. Nine practical suggestions to help you walk more virtuously through the jubilee year.
  • Year of Mercy Calendar: Encounter and Extend Mercy during the Year of Jubilee. Live the Year of Mercy day by day with the Year of Mercy Calendar. Each day of the week provides helpful suggestions to live a more merciful life. The Year of Mercy Calendar is a collaborative effort of the Diocese of Steubenville and the Diocese of Syracuse.
  • "Whether mercy can be attributed to God?", St. Thomas Aquinas, (Summa Theologica, First Part, Question 21, Article 3): I answer that, Mercy is especially to be attributed to God, as seen in its effect, but not as an affection of passion. In proof of which it must be considered that a person is said to be merciful [misericors], as being, so to speak, sorrowful at heart [miserum cor]; being affected with sorrow at the misery of another as though it were his own.

Pontificate of Francis

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Saint John Paul II - October 22:

Papal Interregnum Resources:

Synods of Bishops

Artificial Intelligence:               Index

Bioethics & Life Issues:               Index

Health Care Reform:               Index

Bible Study:                    Index

Catechism, Canon Law, Encyclopedia & Dictionaries:               Index

Catechetics & New Evangelization:                    Index

Ecumenism - Interreligious Dialogue:                    Index

Education:                    Index

Catholic Social Teaching:                    Index

Faithful Citizenship - Political Responsibility:               Index

Vocation of the Laity:                    Index

Franciscan Resources:                    Index

Franciscan Art & Images:                    Index

Saints:               Index

Seasonal & Holidays:               Index

Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance:                    Index

Family & Marriage Resources:                    Index

Virtues and Virtuous Living:               Index

Pope Francis: Catecheses on Vices and Virtues:             Index

Pope Francis: Catecheses on Virtuous Living:            Index

Pope Francis: Catechesis on Discernment
:             Index

Pope Francis: Catecheses on Spiritual Striving:             Index

  • Acedia - Baylor University: The Christian Reflection Project. "At its core, acedia is aversion to our relationship to God because of the transforming demands of his love." The study guides and lesson plans integrate Bible study, prayer, and worship to explore the vice of acedia and its remedies in the Christian tradition. The guides may be downloaded and reproduced for personal or group use. Acedia: Study Guides and Lesson Plans
  • "Resistance to the Demands of Love," by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
  • "What is Acedia" – Notes on Acedia. Includes references for the Catholic Catechism of the Catholic Church and St. Thomas Aquinas.
  • Pornography and Acedia: A Spiritual Analysis of and Remedy for Lust of the Eyes by Reinhard Hütter, April 2012, FIRST THINGS.
  • Acedia (Sloth) by St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II, II, 35
  • "The Spirit of Acedia" from the Institutes of John Cassian
  • Antidotes for Male Teenage Sloth: May 15, 2023 | Phillip Campbell. “Sloth is generally defined as laziness. But it is not mere laziness; it is a preference for ease and comfort, a reluctance to do hard things.…It is often accompanied by indifference or boredom. Sloth is a disposition towards whatever is easy and comfortable — it is a habitual preference for the path of least resistance.”
  • Fighting Acedia: Choosing God at All Times (Simply Catholic). “Acedia is the…way of talking about sloth. But it is much more than a simple laziness or lack of desire to do anything worthwhile. It is an infliction of the soul that attacks desire: we listen to it and become unable to follow through on our intentions. Because we don’t act on intentions, we feel dull, numb and spiritual dead. To put the definition in a more pithy fashion: acedia creates in us the inability to choose the good.

Discerning God's Will, Hearing God's Voice Within?:             Index