The Eight Beatitudes of the Politician

Cardinal François-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuân of Viet Nam
President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
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  1. Blessed be the politician who has a high knowledge and a deep consciousness of his role.
  2. Blessed be the politician who personally exemplifies credibility.
  3. Blessed be the politician who works for the common good and not his own sake or interest.
  4. Blessed be the politician who remains coherent: true to himself, to his faith and to his electoral promises.
  5. Blessed be the politician who works for unity and, making Jesus the fulcrum of unity, thus defends it.
  6. Blessed be the politician who works for the realization of a radical change: by fighting against intellectual perversion, by refusing to call good that which is evil, by not confining religion to the private sphere, by establishing the priorities of one's own choices on the basis of faith.
  7. Blessed be the politician who is able to listen. Who listens to the people before, during and after the elections; who listens to his conscience; and who listens to God in prayer.
  8. Blessed be the politician who has no fear of the truth nor of the mass media, because at the time of judgment he will answer only to God, not to the media!