Angel and Mark Chernoff
In all walks of life, you don't suddenly become successful. You
become successful over time from all the little things you do every
day. Failure occurs in the same way. All the little daily failures
come together to cause you to fail…
So with this principle in mind, I want to share five weak points
we've seen plaguing thousands of our coaching clients and course
members over the past decade — little things people do every day
that stop them from moving forward with their lives:
- You change nothing and expect different results. There's a
saying that the definition of madness is doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results. If you want to
improve yourself, you have to try new things to see what works and
what doesn't. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep
getting what you're getting. Often the difference between a
successful person and a person who struggles to implement positive
changes is not one's superior abilities, but the courage that one
has to bet on one's ideas, to take calculated risks, and to take
steady steps forward. In other words, some people sit and wait for
the magic beans to arrive while the rest of us just get up and get
to work.
- You keep waiting for the right time. You cannot wait for the
perfect time; it will never come. If you think now feels like the
wrong time, think again. It's just uncertainty messing with your
mind. Most of the time you must simply dare to jump. Today is the
first day of a new beginning — the conception of a new life. The
next nine months are all yours. You can do with them as you please.
Make them count. Because a new person is born in nine months. The
only question is: Who do you want that person to be? Right now is
the time to decide.
- Your planning and focus are in disarray. Do you plan your
days? Did you wake up today knowing what you wanted to accomplish?
If not, maybe it's time you do. Trust me, a year from now you will
wish you had managed your time properly today. What would you regret
not accomplishing this year?
What would you regret doing an abysmal job at, simply because you
waited until the last minute and then rushed around doing 20 things
at once? Create a plan to accomplish these things sanely, one at a
time. Planning doesn't have to be long and tedious; it can just be a
60-second process. Every night, think about three small things that
you want to accomplish tomorrow and write them down. When you wake
up in the morning, review this list before you do anything else, and
then take the first step. Let this be one of your daily rituals. And
if you find yourself being lured to do something that's not on that
short list of three things, bring yourself back and focus.
- You make the rejections of yesterday the focal point of today.
NOT believing that you CAN is the biggest trap of them all. If you
don't know your own greatness is possible, you won't bother
attempting anything great. Period. All too often we let the
rejections of our past dictate every move we make thereafter. We
literally do not know ourselves to be any better than what some
opinionated person or narrow circumstance once told us was true. Of
course, this old rejection doesn't mean we aren't good enough; it
means the other person or circumstance failed to align with what we
have to offer. It means we have more time to improve our thing — to
build upon our ideas, to perfect our craft, and indulge deeper into
the work that moves us. And that's exactly what you need to do right
- You refuse to accept necessary risks. Living is about learning
as you go. Living is risky business. Every decision, every
interaction, every step, every time you get out of bed in the
morning, you take a small risk. To truly live is to know you're
getting up and taking that risk, and to trust yourself to take it.
To not get out of bed, clutching to illusions of safety, is to die
slowly without ever having truly lived. Think about it: If you
ignore your instincts and let shallow feelings of uncertainty stop
you, you will never know anything for sure, and in many ways, this
unknowing will be worse than finding out your instincts were wrong.
Because if you were wrong, you could make adjustments and carry on
with your life without looking back and wondering what might have
And of course, if you're struggling with any of this, know that
you are not alone. Many of us are right there with you, working hard
to feel better, think more clearly, and get our lives back on track.