St. Francis Spoke Life-Giving and Profound Words Thomas Celano, an early biographer of St. Francis, wrote of the efficacy of Francis’ sermons:
This is the heart of a Franciscan perspective regarding storytelling in the ministry of the Word — to speak life-giving and profound words; to use words and gestures in order to transport the hearers of the Word toward the things of heaven. Francis tells Pope Innocent a Story-Parable In exploring storytelling within the Franciscan tradition, I was amazed to learn that the origins of the Franciscan fraternity began with a story-parable that Francis received from Christ while in prayer. This was prompted by Pope Innocent’s insistence that Francis try to discern God’s will regarding permission for his rule of life. Thomas Celano, an early biographer of St Francis, wrote:
Stories Have Power Janet Litherland writes in Storytelling From the Bible, ‘Stories have power. They delight, enchant, touch, teach, recall, inspire, motivate, challenge. They help us understand. They imprint a picture on our minds. Consequently, stories often pack more punch than sermons. Want to make a point or raise an issue? Tell a story. Jesus did it. He called his stories "parables".’ 4 In fact, the Gospel of Mark (4:34) states that Jesus ‘did not speak to them without a parable.’ Parable was a new method of teaching that Jesus chose to use. Parables and stories teach a natural wisdom of morality, of healing, of compassion, of values and ethics. Jesus wanted to imprint a picture on our minds that would touch us with a lasting impression in the deepest part of our spirit. Jesus wanted us to get the picture, the bigger picture. Stories, parables, fables, anecdotes and illustrations are thrown alongside the biblical word to help us to see the ‘bigger picture’ in life. They help us to understand there is more to life than our own limited and narrow spheres of experience. They create pictures in our minds and enlighten our imagination to comprehend a greater dimension of life than we normally are used to experiencing. That is what Jesus tried to accomplish with his disciples and with the crowds that flocked to hear him speak: to take them to a place where there is new way of living, loving and healing; a new world that these people never could have imagined on their own. Such is the task for those who minister the Word to God’s people — to open people’s imagination toward the things of heaven. Frank Seilhamer writes, ‘Parable is the translation…of two Greek terms — parah meaning "near" or "vicinity" and ballo meaning "to throw" — that mean "to throw along side of." What is involved is a story created to be thrown along side of a true-life situation to drive home the central point the storyteller is trying to make. As Jesus demonstrated, a good picture is worth a thousand words…which a person can visualize, then pin to their memory.’ 5 Gifted Communicators Can Tell a Story Joe Griffith in the Introduction to his book Speaker’s Library of Business Stories, Anecdotes and Humor writes:
This is wise advice for each of us who minister God’s word. As catechists, teachers and preachers, we want to make a point and to fix that point in our listener’s minds for them to remember our message by. To assist in this, a good collection of stories, anecdotes and illustrations is an attractive and valuable resource. Assisting Truth Stories and parables ring true to human life with fresh insights into truths that are taught by the catechist or repeated from the pulpit. These truths can become so familiar and well known that people no longer hear them. The creative use of the imagination, as it were, ‘dresses up’ these truths through storytelling in new garments so that we take notice of them and a moral or spiritual truth can be extracted.
In my own preaching experience, I discovered this same principle. People, by and large, do not hear, pay attention to or seek the naked truth. However, when the same message is ‘dressed up’ in the garments of a story, of a parable, they not only listen, but take the message home with them. For me, beginning to tell stories was not really a conscious decision. It emerged from within me as natural as could be for a priest of Irish descent — as if there is some storytelling gene. This is not to say that I have not spent considerable time researching storytelling as an art form or that stories just pop up easily. For over 25 years, I have collected numerous volumes of storytelling books, and have hand-written enough stories, so far, to fill twelve composition books, and also have filled thirty-eight journals with quotations. The difficult part for me, however, when I am asked about the how’s and why’s of storytelling, is trying to describe my approach to using storytelling within ministry of the Word. Two of the biggest obstacles, I think, in moving from simply telling a story to becoming a storyteller are risk and fear. Yes, it is a risk to get into a story so that it becomes real or somehow rings true to human life, with all the nuances of voice inflections, posture and facial expressions that emerge from the story. Marshall McLuhan once said so well: ‘The medium is the message.’ As storytellers in ministry of the Word we are the medium through which the biblical message is communicated. Communications experts tell us that 7% of communication occurs through the words used, 38% through the way the words and the voice are used, while 55% of communication occurs through non-verbal body language. Indeed, the medium is the message. Are you afraid people will laugh at you? Or, maybe, is it that they are laughing with you, within the setting of the story? This was a big hurdle for me when I first began the preaching ministry. I was so concerned about what the congregation thought that I hesitated to take many risks and venture into ‘deep’ waters. I was suffering from what could have been called ‘paralysis of perfectionism.’ If one takes no risks then one cannot fail, but, alas, neither can one succeed. Face your own obstacles; take the necessary risks to overcome your own fears. If you haven’t heard it already, fear can be understood as an acronym: False Expectations Appearing Real. What changed my preaching style actually changed my future ministry as well. What began as personal, journal-writing therapy, collecting positive quotations and stories quickly assumed a new perspective when I took what was then a big risk and shared some stories and quotations from my journals in my preaching. People would come up and ask for a copy of this quotation or that story. It amazed me! These were my ‘personal’ stories and quotes, and other people found them helpful too! Gradually I took more risks and told more stories; now people seem to expect me always to come up with a good story. A bonus to storytelling ministry, from my experience, is that people tend to listen more attentively and enter into the story with the catechist, teacher or preacher, enabling him or her to make the connection with the biblical word, the stories of their lives and the kingdom of God. The Golden Legend In researching religious storytelling, I came across interesting historical background material on the use of stories and parables in preaching. In The World of Storytelling we read:
Jacques de Vitry was a translator of a major collection of sermon stories written in the thirteenth century by another Dominican, Jacob de Voragine. De Voragine’s collection became known as The Golden Legend, the most popular book of the Middle Ages next to the Bible. Therefore, we may be reassured, as catechists, and others who engage in the ministry of the Word, that when we use stories, parables, illustrations and anecdotes, we are not being faddish or simplistic, but stand in good company with a rich heritage. Inviting People to Faith William R. White writes in Speaking In Stories: "…The goal of preaching [catechetics] is not to inform…[it] is about inviting people to faith.…to help people make connection between the biblical word and the stories of their lives." 9 Ministry of the Word, be it catechetics, teaching or preaching, seeks to invite people to faith…to make a connection of the Word with their own life…to open people’s imagination to picture a new way of living, of loving, of healing. Our task, then, is to involve people in a personal way to find a key to their own stories of faith and struggle. Finding Stories Now I will try to answer a couple of questions that I am often asked: Where do you find these stories and parables to use in catechesis or preaching? What kinds of resources are available? In fact, God is continually sending us stories, illustrations and modern-day parables, so many that it is a wonder that we miss seeing this. Remember St. Francis’ admonition to ‘first secretly draw in by prayer, to grow warm on the inside’. We have to learn to listen to our own inner voice that nudges us to take notice; then take the next step and write the story or illustration into our own collection. In this way we develop our own collection of resources, our own exempla, from which we can invite people to faith and open their imagination toward the things of heaven. Fr. Murray Bodo, OFM, in Tales of St. Francis writes:
So the first resource is so obvious that most people miss it — observation. Life abounds with delightful stories, anecdotes and modern-day parables if only we pick up on them. They are in the people we meet, in the newspapers we read, in the television programmes we watch. Yes, indeed, we can learn a lot by observing life. This is more than just casual observing. It is what Jesus spoke about when He asked us ‘to see, not just look; to listen, not just hear’. It is attentiveness, alertness to life, seeking to see the hand of God in events, searching actively for the significance of what is taking place around us. Stories Contain a Dynamic Life-Force
Storytelling in catechesis and ministry of the Word is like the scattering of seeds. The stories contain within themselves a dynamic life-force that is capable of sprouting, growing and bearing fruit in the lives of the listener’s without the storyteller knowing how it happens. Therefore, it is the primary task of a storyteller simply to keep telling the stories, just like the farmer who scatters the seed. There is a delightful story by Jean Giono that illustrates how being faithful to the scattering of seeds in storytelling ministry can bring forth an abundance.
All because someone was faithful to sowing the seeds. Storytelling can plants seeds of faith and hope in people’s lives that will take root and grow in abundance. If you are faithful to sowing the seeds of God’s Word, the empty wastelands of desolation and despair can be transformed. And so, let me encourage you to use stories, parables, fables, anecdotes and illustrations. You will find that people will begin to get the bigger picture as you help them envision the kingdom of God; to imagine a new way of living, loving and healing. They will enter into the story with you and take something home with them.
Yes, and the shortest distance from the Gospel to people’s lives is through a story. So tell them well and tell them often.