Christophers News Notes, July 1979
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W ithout forgiveness, there is
resentment — or guilt. Instead of human fellowship, there are
separate prisons.
We have a choice: We can stay where we are — or we can give or
ask for forgiveness.
- Forgiveness is a decision. It is not a feeling. A
decision to forgive is a first step.
- Forgiveness is showing mercy even when the injury
has been deliberate. The challenge is not in forgiving when
there is an excuse for what was done, but in forgiving when
there is none.
- Forgiveness is accepting the person as is. It is
letting go of judgments. People can begin to deepen
relationships if they forgive each other — continually — for
not being equal to their expectations.
- Forgiveness is taking a risk. It is making myself
vulnerable. To renew my commitment to someone who betrayed
my trust is to trust myself to handle being hurt again.
- Forgiveness is a way of living. It is developing
a readiness to forgive: by pardoning others for the little
daily hurts and annoyances, by pardoning ourselves for small
things, too.
- Forgiveness is choosing to love. Forgiveness is
the first skill of self-giving love. It takes the hurts,
acknowledges the problem, accepts the person and loves in
the direction of resolving the situation.
- Forgiveness is not sentimental, not
condescending, not righteous. Above all, it is not