Jon Gordon
- Teams rise and fall on culture, leadership,
relationships, attitude and effort.
Great teams have a great culture driven by great leadership.
Relationships are meaningful and teammates are connected. The
collective attitude is very positive and everyone on the team works
hard to accomplish their mission.
- It’s all about teamwork. Sometimes you are the star and sometimes
you help the star.
- If want to be truly great you have to work as hard to be a great
teammate as you do to be a great player.
I tell this to athletes all the time but the same is true for any
profession. When we work hard to be a great team member we make
everyone around us better.
- Your team doesn’t care if you are a superstar. They care if you
are a super team member.
- Three things you control every day are your attitude, your effort
and your actions to be a great teammate.
It doesn’t matter what is happening around you and who you think
is being unfair. Every day you can focus on being positive, working
hard and making others around you better. If you do that great
things will happen.
- One person can’t make a team but one person can break a team.
Stay positive!
Make sure you don’t let energy vampires sabotage your team. Post
a sign that says "No Energy Vampires" allowed and keep them off the
bus. Most importantly, decide to stay positive.
- Great team members hold each other accountable to the high
standards and excellence their culture expects and demands.
- Team beats talent when talent isn’t a team.
- Great teams care more. They care more about their effort, their
work and their team members.
- We > me.
Unity is the difference between a great team and an average team.
United teams are connected and committed to each other. They are
selfless instead of selfish. They put the team first and know
together we accomplish more.
- You and your team face a fork in the road each day. You can
settle for average and choose the path of mediocrity or you can take
the road less traveled and chase greatness.
It’s a choice you make each day.
Which path will your team take?
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