Volume 39, #2 Plant these "seeds" well and water often. Enjoy!
Prayer . . . . . . . . . Christopher News Notes, Nov. ‘87"Prayer is often a hidden thing, like enjoying a sunset, and thanking God in the process; but it can also be expressed in the way you interact with others. To live gladly because of the knowledge of God’s love is itself a beautiful prayer." Elite Leadership Qualities . . . . . . . . . The Daily CoachPittsburgh Steelers Head Coach Mike Tomlin once told a group of young athletes: "It’s not what you’re capable of; it’s what you’re willing to do. I know plenty of people that are capable. I know fewer people that are willing. Will is a powerful thing. Ask yourself, ‘What are you willing to do?’" Enthusiasm . . . . . . . . . Henry Ford "Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hope rise to the stars…the sparkle in your eye… the swing in your gait, the grip in your hand, the irresistible surge of your will, and your energy to execute ideas. Enthusiasts are fighters. They have fortitude. They have the staying qualities." Attentively Present . . . . . Dr. Conrad Baars, Born Only Once"In the open, out-going mode of existence — possessed only by the persons who have been affirmed — we are attentively present to one another, fascinated by what senses, body and spirit, reveal in being our authentic selves. We respectfully listen to what eyes, ears and hands reveal and let these revelations shape our thoughts."
"Knowledge, ability, experience, are of little avail in reaching high success if courtesy be lacking. Courtesy is the one passport that will be accepted without question in every land, in every office, in every home, in every heart in the world. For nothing commends itself so well as kindness; and courtesy is kindness." Sport: School of Virtue . . . . . . . . . St. John Paul II, Sept. 27, 2004, 25th World Day of Tourism"The correct practice of sport must be accompanied by practicing the virtues of temperance and sacrifice; frequently it also requires a good team spirit, respectful attitudes, the appreciation of the qualities of others, honesty in the game humility to recognize one’s own limitations.…While playing sports, Christians also find help in developing the cardinal virtues — fortitude, temperance, prudence and justice." Imagine Your Potential . . . . . . . . . Jerry Gillies, Insight, # 51"Ray Bradbury says, ‘You never know what potentials you have.’ I’m not saying for a minute that everyone in the world has a fantastic talent, but imagine that you have a fairly good one that you haven’t tested." Servant Leadership . . . . . . . . . Ken Blanchard, Personal Selling Power, May-June ‘92"Servant leadership is a good way to describe the coaching role that managers are expected to play today to help their people win. Judging and evaluating people erodes their self-esteem; servant leadership builds self-esteem and encourages individual growth while obtaining the organization’s objectives." Franciscan Centrality . . . . . Roch Niemier, ofm, In the Footsteps of Francis & Clare, p. 105"What must be understood about Francis is the centrality of the Word of God
in his life. The Word became flesh, Incarnate. The mystery of the Incarnation
engraved itself
Francis’ preaching was effective because he lived the Word. He pondered the Word; he nurtured the Word; he became the embodiment of the Word. And thus when he proclaimed the Word, people saw the Word come to life." Courage . . . . . . . . . Soundings, May ‘90"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." The True Measure . . . . . . . . . Anonymous "The true measure of a person is the height of one’s ideals, the breadth of one’s sympathy, the depth of one’s convictions, and the length of one’s patience." Boldness Has Power . . . . . . . . . Wolfgang von Goethe"The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All
sorts of
Wisdom . . . . . . . . . Samuel Coleridge "Common sense in an uncommon degree Hope . . . . . . . . . Eugene Kennedy "Hope never looks spectacular and we might miss it altogether if we search for it in shining and transcendent moments. The problem with the human situation is that even though we might like to have them, most of us must survive without incandescent experiences of the Spirit. Hope is more readily found in the commonplace of everyday at a time of need." Reading the Bible . . . . . . . . . William Bausch, Storytelling: Imagination and Faith"A failure to read the Bible with a sense of participation and imagination helps to explain the great distance that separates the ideas of the New Testament from the activities of the twentieth-century churches." Pres. Lincoln Prays for Wisdom . . . . . . . . . Bible Illustrator, #2816Pres. Lincoln felt a great need for wisdom during America’s Civil War. A personal friend of his wrote, "I spent three weeks at the White House as a guest of the President. One night — it was just before the Battle of Bull Run — I was restless and could not sleep. From Lincoln’s bedroom I heard the low-tones of his voice. Looking in the door that was slightly ajar, I saw a sight which I’ve never forgotten. The tall Chief Executive was kneeling before a open Bible. He did not know I could hear his agonizing supplications as he pleaded, ‘O Thou great God who heard Solomon in the night when he prayed and cried for wisdom, hear me. I cannot lead these people. I cannot guide the affairs of this country without Thy help O Lord, hear me and save this nation.’" Litmus Test of Discipleship . . . . . . Sunday Sermon Masterpiece Collection, Vol. III, p. 1193One of the materials that a student in an Intro. Chemistry course becomes
acquainted with early in the semester is litmus paper. Litmus, a dye extracted
from a plant called lichens, is used to detect the presence of acids and
bases–alkalies. If blue litmus paper
Jesus gave some final instructions to his followers — his students in the Intro. to Discipleship course. He tells them of a test by means of which people will be able to identify his genuine followers. Like the litmus test for acids and alkalies, it’s a very simple test, and it works every time. The litmus test of discipleship is in Jesus’ own words, "By this all will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." (Jn. 13:35).