Pope John Paul II
Blessed are you, Father,
who, in your infinite love, gave us your only-begotten Son.
He became our companion on life’s path and gave new meaning to
our history, the journey we make together in toil and suffering,
in faithfulness and love.
By your grace,
O Father may the Jubilee Year be a time of deep conversion
and of joyful return to you. May it be a time of reconciliation
between people, and of peace restored among nations, a time when
swords are beaten into ploughshares and the clash of arms gives
way to songs of peace. Father, grant that we may live this
Jubilee Year docile to the voice of your spirit, faithful to the
way of Christ.
Father, by the
power of the Spirit,
strengthen the Church’s commitment to the new evangelization
and guide our steps along the pathways of the world.
To you, Almighty
be praise and honor and glory now and for ever.