by Fr. Peter Daly
adapted with permission
was a pastor who wrote about receiving a survey in the mail from the
local electric company, reflecting the wide-spread concern about the
Y2K computer problems.
Among the questions on the survey, it was the last question that
stumped him: "Will your essential functions be affected?"
The pastor,
after some consideration, wondered just what were the essential
functions of the parish. He reflected that the church is primarily a
community of charity and prayer, therefore, the parish could
continue its essential functions quite well. He wrote, "We should be
able to celebrate the sacraments, do works of charity, study the
Scriptures and teach the faith, even if the computers shut down."
With further reflection the pastor mused, "We might not be able
to fill in all those forms that come to us from the diocese and the
government, which would be God’s form of justice. We might not be
able to schedule so many events, which would give us all a needed
Sabbath rest."
That power company survey made the pastor then wonder about the
"Day of Judgment" readiness of the parish community. "What if we
sent out a similar survey," he contemplated, "to determine if the
people in the parish are ‘Second Coming’ compliant? What essential
functions would we want them to consider?"
the pastor started to write down some point to ponder:
- Have you fed the hungry lately?
- Have you given drink to the thirsty?
- Are strangers welcomed in your community?
- What provisions have you made for clothing the naked and
sheltering the homeless?
- Are your programs for visiting the sick and the imprisoned
working well?
- Do you worship God in spirit and truth?
- Have you been building up each other with words of
- Have you been reconciling enemies, making peace and
comforting those who mourn?
- What have you done to reduce the violence in your community?
- What about reducing the violent rages within your own heart?
- In what ways have you hungered and thirsted for justice, and
not sought vengeance?
- Have you preached the Good News lately — by your words or
your deeds?
- Have you told people of God’s abundant love for them?
- Are your treasures stored up in heaven, or in a safety
deposit box?
pastor noted, "Most of us would have a harder time filling out
the second survey than the first." He continued, "I’d also be
willing to bet that it would be a lot more important to get
compliant with the second readiness survey."
The pastor
concluded, "One way or another, we will
muddle through computer glitches. But if we don’t get compliant with
the concerns of the Lord’s survey of readiness, we might not get
through the ‘Day of Judgment’ unscathed. Now that’s a survey to take
from Sowers Seeds That Nurture Family
Values: Sixth Planting
Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, TOR
Paulist Press